Inspirational quotes and motivational words have a tremendous ability to change the way we feel about ourselves and people around.
Some days you wake up motivated and ready to go. And some days things feel heavy as you get up, and it is hard to get going and find that inner drive.
At least in my experience. So, over the past few years, I have found some simple and smart strategies that work for me to get back into the right groove and to get things done. That’s why I find them so interesting and important to our paths to success it’s a road map that’s essential to get through the ups and downs of our lives. Now what’s the uniqueness, that tends to be the secret behind the way to achieve success? Interested about it? Well, the way we think and feel about ourselves, our beliefs and experience do matter and determine what’s possible and how things would turn.
What steps do you take to get yourself ready for a new year?
New year is a fresh opportunity to redirect you at your highest potential.

Once wired in would revive willingness to cause success in every aspect automatically.
Discover optimism.

Doubt can drain both your motivation and energy. But the positive and constructive way of looking at things can on the other hand energize and recharge your motivation and directly impact on our life as well. So, when we’re in what looks like a negative situation we must consider asking ourself questions like: What is the one thing that is good about this? And what is the one hidden message about the situation here?
One of the simplest but most effective ways to build a more positive outlook
in my experience is to ask more helpful questions, as often as possible!
When I am in some crisis and what seems like a negative situations that are sometimes beyond my control or maybe I have made some mistakes, I have failed or stumbled in way, then, I like to ask myself, ‘What is one thing that is constructive or good about this situation? ‘What breakthrough may erupt, within this situation?
Doing so I can figure out the root cause. Because then I did ask myself how much I have given in to make my life in-spite facing the odds and how things could get even worse if I do not take timely action! However, I do not always use these self- analytical and self-interrogations right away.
Often, I need a bit of time to regain development of positive thoughts and feelings that arise in situation. Trying to power optimistic thinking when we are still in an emotional turmoil or a bit shocked usually do not turn into the desired results that we are looking for, all would certainly take some time. Foster and live in a positive atmosphere.
How we choose to spend our time, how much we invest in ourselves or how long do we stuck ourselves watching TV, the internet and magazines will have a huge effect on your outlook. To be able to stay positive it is vital to have encouragement in your life that support you and lift you up as a substitute to what that is dragging you down.
So carefully consider what you let into your mind.When you are stuck between the emotional traumas, there’s a feeling of unhappiness and stagnation, revealing a lack of purpose, reflecting your low esteem which had developed during the time of difficulties.Be proactive and remain committed to your cause if you think you can. Try to figure out issues before hand if you are aware that certain things could’ve been differently approached and there is a chance of things getting messed up.

- Focus on issues accumulating fears that have clouded and occupied your mind. Fill them to the brim with pure knowledge and positive aspects.
- You’re not here to fritter over the past failures and issues that cause pain, when you can accomplish everything that’s perceived by your inner self.
- Challenge all the negative thoughts or try testing accuracy of your thoughts.
- Trace the probable explanation for the situations and check out all the facts and logic. It may be hard to recognize the root cause initially but once identified, things can be figured out quite effectively.
Fast track: Coping the Adversity (The ABC-Tool)

Accept that adversity is inevitable: AAA: Accept Adapt Act:Remember and accept that adversity is an integral part of life and to resist or overlook would only make things beyond repair.

- Everyone that you look around are going through some silent battles that can’t be avoided. Everywhere we would see that, people are striving hard to survive, they may be stuck in some natural disasters, like earthquakes, family, separations, floods, loss of job, deaths of loved ones, empty nest, financial loss or some traumas.The pain may be endless beyond our understanding and may also be hidden behind the subtle smiles and sometimes expressionless.We can hardly figure out, but this remains the core truth sufferings and pains can’t be avoided, can’t be overlooked, can’t be resisted.Although pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.Thus, now the question arises how we tackle this situation?The core basic rule that does the magnificent transformation is to accept, adapt and act to solve; moreover, settle it, step by step in progression.
BB: – Building blocks

- Acquiring the strength to face the adversity by self-awareness, we can jump start to build the bridge of our subconscious mind before it gets weakens, when the adversity strikes.
- This can be attained by nurturing some emotional stability. Now start building the blocks of courage and take some personal responsibility adding or fortifying it with discipline, besides hardwired your mind not to surrender.
- I am sure this sounds similar like a warrior getting himself to be prepared to face a battlefield, who must constantly attempt and get equipped with not only substantial weapon and ammunition but has to train his mind to face the worse.
CC: – Counting on your courage
- Building immense faith, screening some inspiring stories.
- If we are lacking courage and are not much well prepared to deal the difficulties, they may break us ensuing in devastating situations. So, one way is, to look all the motivation available round.
- Since, a small traumatic episode may leave behind much larger loss that could not be settled immediately.
- To steel your inner strength and courage reinforce some inspirations around at this point.
- Counting on self-belief and courage one can get inspired from all the motivational stories and from the people who dealt with adversity.
- They can be taken as role model. Since, their success stories depict that they triumphed over their difficult phase to attain success in life, despite all the odds they never chose to surrender, but kept going building the blocks of courage also were successful to revive stability in their lives through the adversities.
Few exemplary,
Helen Keller:
Lost vision and hearing due to some mysterious fever when she was mere eighteen months of her age. Her strong willower overtook the shadows of deafness and her blindness and she not only pursued education, but she stood for women’s rights as well. The determined mind set helped her to overcome all the suffering and pain in her life.
Winston Churchill:
Overcame a stuttering problem and poor performance in school to become Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and one of the most influential political leaders of the twentieth century. He was also known for his powerful and rousing speeches.
“History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heart-breaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats.” — B.C. Forbes, Scottish financial journalist and author who founded Forbes magazine.
A Living Series: continues to help you kick-start 2018 ultra-strong so you install the mindsets adding core discipline and time management.