“No one is signing up for calls with me.”

“How do I get people on sales calls?”

“The people who jump on my calls either tell me no or they no show.”

What a bummer right??

Utilizing the sales call process in our business is key to our success. Getting people on a call and speaking to them face to face makes it so much sweeter to get that YES right?!

It’s such an integral part to signing our clients so here are five ways to smash your next sales call!!

1.) First thing I’m going to ask you is are you actually inviting people to sales calls? How often are you doing this? If the answer is slim to none, you won’t be getting a lot of sales calls! People need that extra push, or people might not understand how to sign up for a call with you (is this message clear also?). Why should people simply get on a call with you? Does your audience trust you? Does your audience know much about you? What you offer?

If you are simply posting once a day to your personal pages, take it up notch. Put this call to action at the end of several different posts spread out on all of your social media profiles. You can do call to action posts on Instagram and Facebook. You can do Instagram stories, you can do Facebook stories and you can do live training/videos!

Be completely consistent in this area and you will start to see the calls book up. Knowing that you have availability for calls and what the call is going to be about will help people starting coming to YOU to get on calls!

Take a quick audit of the last week and see how many times you actually invited people to get on a call with you. If it’s few and far between, make sure to do it more!

2.) One thing is for sure; if your prospect can’t feel the confidence in you, especially on your sales calls, they will not sign with you! Confidence comes from a little bit of mindset work.

You are nervous – well remember this, being a little nervous means you want the call to go well right? Realize that it’s because you want it to go a certain way is a “good” nervousness. Take a few deep breaths and remember the following:

You have obviously talked to people before. You have probably engaged with many people before whether it be at your day job, at a previous day job or talking online. Second of all, this potential client has taken a tiny step into getting to know YOU more. WANTING to get to know you more. She likes what you have been posting, saying or even telling her so keep that in mind. Keep being yourself and showing up as you have been already. Third, be confident that you can help her. Knowing about your prospect before jumping on the call will give you even more confidence on how the call is going to go! Do you have pre-screening questions beforehand? This helps TREMENDOUSLY, especially if this is someone you haven’t spoken with before. Having the questions asking about struggles and finding out what the investment threshold for her is will steer your call in a certain direction. Knowing her struggles ahead of time will give you so much confidence beforehand (and time to prepare!)

Show up confidently by being yourself (even if you are a tad nervous on the inside) and your call will go amazingly well!

3.) What is your preparation for a sales call like? Are you analyzing EVERYTHING? As in writing pages and pages of notes, printing our sales scripts, practicing in front of the mirror or with someone in person? Maybe even for DAYS before hand? Let’s stop that.

No one wants to talk to a robot and if you are using a sales script you printed from someone else, those words won’t work for you. Unless you turn them into your own words. It’s scary when you are getting on your first few sales calls. So intimidating and you want to sound perfect, not miss a beat and sound super confident. So many things to remember!

Remember this thought – this simply needs to be a conversation. Two people talking and you getting to know your potential client. Over-preparing leads you to losing focus of your prospect in front of you and subconsciously thinking of the questions you think you NEED to hit versus letting the conversation flow. Practice on your actual sales pitch is great, practicing your welcome statement is great but make sure to still have a flow to the conversation!

For me, I simply have an outline written down that I can look at and know the flow of the conversation but making sure to uncover more of the needs my prospect has is KEY in the conversation.

4.) If you are not appearing calm, cool and confident, this isn’t going to go well. If this is a discovery call or strategy session, you can prepare, prepare, prepare and even have a sales script in front of you. What I would LOVE for you to realize is that this person is loving your content, or at least SOMETHING you are putting out. Loving it enough to take the chance on you to have you coach them. For you to help them through something, a struggle or give them advice for a direction in their business.

Remember that YOU are the authority, you are the expert and they are coming to you for help. This is the base of your call mindset. Remember that you have already been helping her, either through your content or already in small conversations.

At the end of the day, you can write down a million notes and even over-prepare, but at the end of the day make it a conversation. It doesn’t need to be sales-y, you don’t have to push – you need to uncover struggles, ask high value questions, and truly be of service to this potential client. Having notes is our security blanket and many times we don’t even look at our pages of notes during the call because we can’t predict how the call is going to go!

Remember that she WANTS to talk to you. She made the first move to signing up. Enjoy the conversation and let it flow!


You are FB messaging back and forth with a potential client OMG she actually reached out to you! But not only that; she signed up for your freebie, the conversation is going really well and she wants to join your Facebook group! She wants to consume your content! Loves what you are posting!

It’s GREAT that you are relationship building, that is key. But you have someone basically ASKING to consume more content from you. The mere fact that you simply “don’t want to ruin the relationship” in this case is not the right answer. This girl is coming to you, loving what you are putting out there and telling you that your content is something she has been looking for. Invite her to a call – offer to help her MORE. Jump on that opportunity and get her on the call!

Pay attention to these cues and clues when you have clients consuming your content and asking questions. These are your prospects and you are here to coach and guide!