Smoothing Rough Waters

When challenges rear their heads, we often have no choice but to face them head-on. Life is designed to be challenging. It drags us out of our comfort zones, flips us upside-down, and demands that we accept facts that sometimes rock us to our very core.

A health crisis, divorce, a financial emergency – many people can find themselves overwhelmed by what life brings their way. But whether we like it or not the situation is happening.

So unless we want to live in fear, it’s important to be better prepared. This way we can alleviate the worry associated with an impending difficulty and be better equipped to tackle it with strength and tenacity.

Being Prepared

Adversity isn’t something we can avoid, but it is something we can do something about. Getting stuck and hoping someone else will handle our problems isn’t the best approach.

We need to take the necessary steps to make things happen. Thinking through potential problems and preparing a plan of action, can help us to build the mental strength and flexibility to overcome a crisis. It doesn’t mean we should always dwell on the negative possibilities, but if we have a plan of action, it will stop us from panicking and help us to deal with the situation rationally.

Lack of money can make any crisis situation more difficult. When a tough circumstance arises, experts say it makes sense to have access to any type of emergency fund.

We should try to save what we can as regularly as we can. Our fund can mean the difference between a bad day and financial devastation. By planning and preparing, we gain more self-confidence and feel we have a bit more control of things.

Developing Resilience

It’s through difficult times that we learn the most important lessons in life and begin to build resilience. Life is full of misfortune and struggle and we have to adapt to life-changing events and learn to cope. It’s crucial to take the time to process what we’re going through.

We have to accept what is and allow our emotions to go through their natural flow, before trying to resume moving forward. A period of reflection can help us to gain clarity with our current circumstances and make peace with the situation.

Getting into the habit of practicing self-care teaches us that we matter. The better we look after ourselves the better we are able to cope and help others.  It is a really important part of improving our ability to deal with life’s setbacks. Stress has such a negative impact on the body and mind and we need to take care of ourselves, in any way that we can.  The better our health the greater our level of tolerance in the face of adversity.

A good diet, gentle exercise, improved sleep, and relaxation will all help to boost our physical and emotional well-being.  The stronger we are the better prepared for any unprecedented hardship or upheavals.

Whatever the challenge we face, it is often the relationships we have invested in that will make the difference in how we get through it. Developing strong bonds can be a key component to building resilience.

Being grateful for our friends and family can help us to start appreciating all the good things in our life instead of focusing on the negative. By re-framing our thoughts more positively, we can begin to push through any difficult situation to a better, brighter future.
