I think that one of the worst ways you can travel through your life is by allowing another person’s inabilities, fears or insecurities to enter your mind and take away your possibilities.

We all have that inner voice which is uniquely ours. It is waiting deep inside you to help you along your journey if you are open to tapping into it.

You have the choice to go there, listen to that voice and to act upon it. It is up to you and you alone. On the flip side you also have the choice not to go there, listen or act upon it. You can let the voice of someone else voice ring in your ears and change your mind; someone who would love to make your life like theirs but in the end that may not be right for you.

When you follow directly in someone else’s footsteps, it ends up showing only one person on a journey and not the reality of two.

You were given your life to live in your way with all of the pleasures, struggles, happiness and unhappiness that life will inevitably present to you.

Get to the life you were meant to live by taking your journey with your own unique set of footprints. Claim your path!

Originally published at balanceformaximumwellness.com on November 10, 2016.

Originally published at medium.com