Advice is rarely given with the intention to hurt, most often it is fear-based and given with the hope to spare us failure.

And sometimes it’s given because you’ve decided to take on something that was someone else’s dream. A dream that they talked themselves out of, or one that they let go because they were given the same fear-based advice and listened to it.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in business has become one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in life:

Gather as much advice as possible, and be VERY selective about what advice you let in.

As a junior high school drop out I assumed every opinion I came across was more educated than mine. For most of my life everyone was an expert compared to me.

Feedback is important. Advice and mentorship can be invaluable. I’m still learning everyday. But don’t stifle your inner wisdom. Listen to your intuition. Maybe you don’t have all the industry lingo down, maybe you have no idea about what you want to take on. But it certainly doesn’t mean you don’t have a voice or gift to share.

If the current state of the world has you thinking about pivoting your life or pursuing a dream, take advice that is offered, but make the decision for yourself, with yourself, while honouring yourself.