“People look for retreats for themselves, in the country, by the coast, or in the hills . . . There is nowhere that a person can find a more peaceful and trouble-free retreat than in his own mind. . . . So constantly give yourself this retreat, and renew yourself. ”— MARCUS AURELIUS
The human mind is a powerful tool. In and of itself, it can lead one to achieve more than they thought possible. Similarly, it can be a hindrance too; therefore, be cautious of your thoughts.
Naturally, I am an extrovert and because of this I get different adjectives assigned to me. To some I am loud, to others I am really sociable, still to others I am stern; the one that interested me is giggly. This is how the world knows me. However, to myself, I am an acquired taste. My personality falls in between extroversion and introversion: there are moments when I have a burst of energy and then I can just go into hibernation. For those who are used to my euphoric moments, my quiet moments lead them to think I am unwell. Well, welcome to my world, where all is nothing and nothing is everything.
Of late, I have been making deliberate efforts to unplug. Living in a fast-paced world, it is so easy to lose oneself in the noise all around. Work, family, friends, and extra curricular activities all keep us so engaged during the day that at the end of it all, one is drained if not worn out. After all this, we run to our phones seeking to unwind; truth is, these provide a greater distraction to the mind than we think. Peace and quiet are found within, not in the things without. This is why I am learning to stay away from my phone the moment I get to the house.
At the beginning of this year, I came across a publication called “Getting Out Of Survival Mode: The Key To A Perfect Morning” by Benjamin Hardy. Among the things listed not to do is checking mail immediately after waking up. Checking the phone immediately after waking up makes one feel rushed and busy; this is reflected all through the day and one’s health might suffer in the process.
My purpose I have learnt is to thrive, and if taking more control of my choices will get me there, then that is the path I am on. Solitude isn’t all about being alone, it is learning how and when to filter the background noise and get in touch with yourself. Solitude shouldn’t be left to serendipity; it is a goal to be achieved.
“Solitude is more a state of mind and heart than it is a place. There is a solitude of the heart that can be maintained at all times. Crowds, or the lack of them, have little to do with this inward attentiveness.” – Art Of Manliness