Have you ever found yourself or been told,
why don’t you just settle down; why do you continually move from job to job; why are you running away from responsibilities or commitments…
In connecting the dots
back many decades, I have wondered and often been plagued by these statements. Was this way of being my mindset, my behaviours, my resistance to the status quo, what? In fact, I felt I never fit in…but maybe I didn’t want to either. My wonderful mother would say, ‘a rolling stone gathers no moss.’ I would smile and continue my ways. At every juncture, something inside of me would say, MoveOn.
Today with Covid,
fear and uncertainty are ever present. Many people and organisations are going through challenges, loss of jobs, mental anguish, frustration from remote working, overworking, and lack of personal interactions and the list seems to continue to expand.
is more important than ever. If you don’t you will not survive and certainly not thrive during this next phase of Covid and moving forward.
From an early age,
my curiosity of the world and people was immense. I went from starting my life in a logging camp to living in a big city, becoming a Canadian Ice Dance Champion; to studying contemporary dance in New York City; to dancing the CanCan in Paris twice a night at the Bal du Moulin Rouge; to being an elite choreographer to World and Olympic Figure Skating Champions; to Directing and Choreographing the 1988 Olympic Closing Ceremonies; to choreographing multi-million dollar touring skating shows; to now – executive coach, author and professional speaker.
Each time
a change would start appearing, I would feel in my gut, heart and head – something inside me said, MoveON. Have you heard this voice before?
continued with comments like, you are a the top of your field; don’t be foolish; just keep doing this; and again something inside told me to MoveON. I wondered was I so wrong, weird, confused or running away from responsibilities? I have to admit though fear was never there, I trusted in that voice. Something inside of me said, MoveON!
Then, clarity struck.
my way of being, my mindset, came to me while sitting in a ‘gert’ or tent in the Mongolia Steppes doing research for my leadership book, ‘The Nomadic Mindset: Never Settle…for Too Long. I ask Ran, a nomad I was staying with, ‘why do you migrate?’ Ran said, ‘to make a better life for our animals and ourselves. To survive, in each place, we do need to settle, but we never settle too long, just long enough to reap the harvest of each location. When the animals tell us to moveOn, we do!’ This felt so like me.
I put two and two together.
All these years I wasn’t weird or confused or running away or shirking my responsibilities or relationships. In fact, I was running towards learning, growth, experiences…a full life of expansion. I was evolving. Then, I realized, I have what I now call a ‘nomadic mindset’. My answers to my life of change, transition and evolution were in fact based on our natural way of being, our historical origins – that of nomadic cultures.
What I was searching for,
And have found peace in, lives within a quote by a wonderful Mongolian woman, Batgerel Bat. I asked her what is the true meaning of nomad. She said, it is ‘the movement of the mind’. The central meaning of the nomadic mindset, is just that, ‘the movement of the mind’, not physical movement from place to place.
In The Nomadic Mindset,
I invite people to explore behaviours that you may have lost in this world and will help you get back on track. I believe we have become too narrow thinking as a human race and we must expand if we are to truly thrive. We must evolve.
People have shared
with me this gives them an answer, a realization, a peace from what they have been struggling with all their lives and unable to put a ‘frame’ or ‘term’ to it. They now know they have been triggering on and living their innate nomadic mindset. It is a healing to the discomfort felt. Is this what you have been looking for?
Triggering your nomadic mindset
that lives in everyone will help you over the fear of MovingON. This is your natural way of being. It is nomadic legacy. In most cultures, you are not taught or really given permission to MoveON. Life is about MovingON. For organisations it is about MovingOn. To survive and thrive you must learn to accept and MoveON.
MoveON now, live your nomadic mindset.