“Have you ever sat silently in a frustrating meeting wishing you could say something to make it better? 

Or left a meeting with your boss thinking about all the things you should have said, but didn’t?” 

These communication challenges create environments that are painful in which to work, and hardly uplifting and productive (sigh).

It doesn’t have to be this way! Rather than feel helpless, here’s how you can take personal responsibility for changing the way you and your colleagues interact for the better. When you say it skillfully you’ll no longer be frustrated by not saying what needs to be said.

Here’s your opportunity to break the silence and learn how to be happier, healthier and more productive… at work and in life.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

Created by Molly Tschang


  • Molly Tschang

    Coaching Senior Management Teams to Win As One

    Molly Tschang helps senior management build powerful chemistry to lead together and commit to each other’s success. She equips her clients' organizations with the practical skills to Win As One...which companies often never even try to do. Molly is the creator of “Say It Skillfully™,” a video series on LinkedIn and Thrive Global, and radio show that she hosts on the VoiceAmerica Business Channel to help people say what needs to be said. She is a member of Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches initiative and has held executive leadership positions at Cisco Systems and U.S. Filter, where she led the integration of over 80 acquisitions globally. Molly provides pro bono strategic advisory services to Community Solutions (homelessness) and Three Dot Dash® (youth mentoring) and regularly practices yoga, meditation and tennis.