Growing up, many of us had it tough. Many of those struggle to walk astray because of the emotional burden and stress they can’t bear. But some are wise enough to endure and power through the years and use their life’s challenges and struggles as inspirations to succeed and do better not only for themselves but for their family. This is a familiar story to Spencer Vann as this is how his life went.
Spencer Vann is the co-founder and CEO of – a surplus funds recovery business helping reunite people with their lost money from their foreclosed homes and training and grooming real estate investors on starting and growing their own surplus fund recovery business. Spencer’s success is the real estate industry isn’t something he initially dreamed and focused on when he was younger. He was just another typical loving son and brother who wanted to work hard to help his family and his brother who needed special treatment.
Years after Spencer Vann was born, his younger brother Mason was diagnosed with severe autism. Since then, Spencer’s goal and focus were just to strive hard to make sure he can take care of his family and help provide the best medical treatment for his younger brother. Spencer saw how hard-working his parents were growing up. They would save up as much excess money as possible to be able to invest it in Mason’s treatment. This made things very tough for Spencer. Even the environment he lived in was very rough. He would spend many nights sleeping on concrete floors because his parents ripped out their carpet since his younger brother wasn’t potty trained. Instead of buying new flooring or furniture for comfortable sleeping, his parents just saved up and used the money for Mason’s treatment.
Angered by his family’s situation, Spencer Vann became determined to succeed to break his family out of their difficult situation. He began excelling at sports in school, especially in basketball. Playing as a freshman varsity, he then aspired and set his goals in becoming an NBA player. But, his dreams came crashing at the age of 16 when he shattered his ankle days before his birthday. Not being able to walk for more than 6 months, he quickly realized that his dreams in basketball were gone forever.
Spencer Vann’s mother was a very loving mom who spent time with him while he was recovering and would often talk about her dreams of buying her own house. All her life she had always rented and had always dreamed of buying and owning her own house one day.
Then one day, it just clicked in Spencer’s head to get into Real Estate to help his mom potentially buy her very first house or at least connect her with the right people in the business. Spencer began reading real estate books and sold his first big wholesale deal at the age of 17. Becoming a full-on real estate agent at the age of 18, he continued reading and learning more about real estate for 2 to 3 years. One day, he came across Surplus Funds and the rest was history. Now, his team of financial coaches is helping homeowners reunite with their lost money from their foreclosed homes and are training real estate investors and entrepreneurs on the secrets of surplus funds.