Connecting loved ones in spirit with those left behind has been poignant and powerful this week. A father in spirit shared love and laughs with his daughter (Daddy’s little girl) who couldn’t be with as he died from COVID-19. Due to lockdown, a son was separated from his mother as she lay in coma following a stroke. He was relieved to receive the message that although her body struggled, her spirit did not. Each of these spirits made it clear that they continued to be present in the lives of their families by commenting on current plans
In these times of great loss and pain, it is easy to feel overwhelmed without a clear path forward. However, it is possible to reset our spiritual GPS to move forward in a healing direction. We can start – – recalculating – as my Garmin used to say in somewhat irritated tones.
Personal reminders and self-inquiry can be helpful in re-establishing spirit connection and guidance. Following are four reminders and a question which I use in my daily life.
When missing loved ones in spirit, this reminder (said aloud or in thought) can be helpful:
My spirits are with me. (You may also substitute names or relationships for “my spirits” if you like. For example, I often send out the thought, “Mom, thanks for being with me.”)
The spirits exist in the eternal present moment. This means that our connection to them is also in the present moment. Obsessing about the past or anticipating the future with anxiety can block awareness of the spirits. This reminder can help refocus attention to access the love and guidance of spirits:
Breathe and be in the present moment.
Our guides, those spirits who help us realize the purposes of life, do not force us to follow a path. Rather, they invite us to align with our highest and greatest good. To accept their invitation all we need do is declare:
Spirit guides, I am ready for the next step.
In requesting guidance and help from the spirits, it is also important to take time to hear back from them. After all, who likes a one-way conversation? A reminder to be receptive to answers is this:
Be quiet and listen.
And finally, no matter how challenging or exhausting the days may be, I consistently ask myself one question:
What is one small thing I can do with great love?
This simple question followed by action activates the energy of the spirits. What we do in love has the full support of spirits living at the frequency of love.
In 2021, using simple reminders, being willing to co-operate with guiding spirits and amplifying small acts with the power of love will bring about positive changes beyond what we imagine.