There comes a time when you begin to understand that family can come through non-traditional forms. Family is not only biological. In fact, the more you travel, the more you come to know that there are people you are connected to, from a spiritual plane. They are people who come to guide you on your journey; making it obvious and clear that the two of you were meant to cross paths, and with great reason.
When you are receiving your international education, abroad, it is important that you connect with people who are just as vibrant as you. There is something about vibrancy, which attracts loving people into your life. Sometimes, they are people who come from different parts of the world. You may travel to different places, and different nations, only to end up finding that there are people, who are familiar for you. They are your international, travel family. Whenever you see them, there is a warmth, which comes between the two of you; or the 3 of you.
Let’s not forget how natural it is to simply connect with people, who remind us of our family members. I have had these incidents, quite often in Egypt. Many times they have been elders. who have reminded me of people within my own family. On other occasions, they have been individuals, who have simply had a natural connection with my presence. In whatever form they may come, it is very important to open up to such experiences and allow them to bring forth a new wave of understanding when it comes to people, who join you as family on your travel experiences.

I had seem him often on the American University in Cairo’s New Cairo campus. Whenever we saw each other, a strong embrace gifted our interaction. An elder in his Nubian community, his wisdom and gentle Spirit, reminded me of my maternal grandfather. I had been blessed enough to have met Nubian women of his community on campus. On short breaks and visits at the New Cairo campus, short tea breaks would lead us into conversation about life and how we were feeling, during the current times. Time was magical and fulfilled with such splendor and wonder, whenever this Nubian, grandfather engaged in holistic communication with me. He is not my biological Grandfather, but I had saw him as one, in my Egyptian journey. When individuals of differing, Egyptian lands, Sometimes that is all it takes. Interesting enough, we both were wearing highlights of blue on this day. Just as with my own maternal Grandfather, I remember those loving conversations of family her/history, stories to tell, and other sacred treasures, which can only be conveyed through the power of oral traditions. The language barrier between myself and my Nubian grandfather never prohibited us in our interaction. That’s the power of the human Spirit. When two people of different cultures have been aligned within a particular energy plane, there is nothing that can deter that alignment from happening. Something about it is sacred. There is great wonder surrounding that energy sector. Even when you don’t necessarily understand what is being said, there is still an understanding for what was stated. Powerful! What is more astounding is that you feel as if you have known these people for your entire life. That level of understanding is heavenly and divine. On this particular day, myself and adopted, Nubian grandfather were walking in opposite directions. I presume he was headed to catch the bus for his departure from the day. As always, it was a pleasure to see him. The warmth of his Spirit seemed to have removed any challenges or pains I had accumulated from the day. Melting them mentally, until they had become no more. The special thing about this moment is that we had never captured our existence together. Photographs are worth many different meanings. They create myriad stories and bring different vibes of healing. Picture taking can be colorful, and brings a vivacious healing remedy to the very art of human interaction. By capturing that moment, you are treasuring it forever. You are making it very clear to the Heavens that such a moment with an individual, or group of people, is cherished and sacred. Its a beautiful component and makes the human experience that much more nourishing. It was important that I capture my presence with him, and he with I. Lots of beauty and serenity in the Heavens and Earthly paradise, when a person is able to document those special interactions with another human Being. A person whom you grew to have familial ties with, due to a simple conversation. A simple moment when you recognized that special light between the two of you.

I think of my adopted Nubian grandfather, daily. There are numerous ways, in which he reminds me of my maternal grandfather. From the way that he walks, to how he contemplates his thoughts. Different images come into my mind and my head on just how similar they are. It is truly magical, indeed. As I examine the photos of our being captured together, there are many thoughts, running through my mind. One of them carries on a travel theme. The mysteries of travel, and how it has the power to connect you to people, who are there to teach you lessons, you may have never known, elsewhere. When they are elders, the experience is on a greater level. Lessons project a certain sensory, as it pertains to being able to grasps the complexities of time. For some reason, age forces us to appreciate the subtleties and gentility of time. There is a greater realization in knowing just how abundant time truly is. Its humans who do time a disservice of rushing through it. Always on the go, and trying to innovate techniques of controlling its existence. There is a tenacity of trying to speed through, and reap the rewards of creating through time. Impatience and fear takes over our minds, as we have been programmed to work as robots in unnatural timing.
Through the rhythm of elders, we are reminded of Earth’s natural timing. We are taught to appreciate time, and not simply live through it, without treasuring its smallest component. One of the lessons is very simple. Time is to be treasured. It is not to be rushed. Every parcel of time is an opportunity of creativity. It is concocted and created in a manner that gives human beings the space we need to appreciate life’s creations. Yes, biology has its role in why elders move “slow.” That’s one way of looking at it. Another way is observing how age gives us that opportunity to return to the enjoyment of time. Its similar to the stage of infancy. During these time periods, a person is allowed to move slowly through time because age gives them the permission to do so. This is especially true in many high-paced and urban societies. In this regard, age permits them to be free. It is rather strange. In periods of vulnerability is when humanity is allowed to experience time in the naturalness, it was designed to be.
That day is one of the most fruitful occasions I have ever had at the American University in Cairo; in the whole of Egypt, to be frank. In every interaction with him, there was a sense of comfort. That calming in which only Father Time can provide. Every time our Beings crossed into perfect timing, there was a mutual agreement that we were meant to be there, within that given time. Smiles, hugs, and the “how are you’s” affirmed that we were members of a spiritual family-that group of people, who come into our lives when we are away from one home. Giving that same familial support when we have found ourselves in another. A cup of tea always does the trick! And through a sip of this sacred elixir, we are guaranteed to slow down into our natural aroma, of time!