“Baptiste Yoga exist to disrupt the drift. There is an urgent problem where people are stuck in being resigned, cynical, numb, and living in ways, that promote chronic diseease. They are just drifting.”
Baron Baptiste
In Baptiste Yoga, there are 3 practices – Asana, Meditation and Inquiry and with Inquiry – is an access to self-discovery and new possibilities.
Baptiste Yoga has made a real difference in shifting my whole being into what matters most in my life, and ignited a new sense of purpose; a new way of living. We have a choice to live our life the same way and being in complaint mode, or we can begin our every day newly.
Don’t let yesterday determine what happens today .
Sophie Sanders
Baptiste Yoga gave me access to look past my fears, barriers, limitations, to see what’s possible if anything is possible.
Before you can see what’s possible and be 100% for what you want to make happen, you need to be a clearing for the past so you can let go of what didn’t work and begin newly, as you should.
For the last few years, ever since my first Baptiste Level 1 training, I’ve got into the practice of reviewing my year, so that I can acknowledge what worked and what didn’t work, learn from my failures and most importantly, celebrate my wins.
It’s also an opportunity to re-create my Invented List. You may call the Invented list – your new year resolutions and it’s more than that.
Resolution is defined as a firm decision to do something.
And with it – comes guilt and frustration when they don’t happen.
Possibilities are endless – they may or may not happen.
Thus the Invented list are real possibilities which you could commit to doing when you choose to.
And when I look back at what I’ve written down as my Invented List, I used to be surprised at how much what was accomplished for the year.
I’m not surprised any more.
The bonus is that for those things that were not accomplished, I’ve a choice to recommit, or I could choose to let it go and create new possibilities.
Anything is possible if you come from a place of anything is possible.
Baron Baptiste

Create Your New Year Full of NEW Possibilities
You need less than 10 mins, a journal, a pen and a timer.
Step 1: Write down your Highs and Lows for this year.
Find a blank page on your journal. At the top of the page, write the year 20XX, and then divide the page into 2. On the left side, write in bold “MY HIGHS” and on the right side, write “MY LOWS”
For your “HIGHS”, set your timer for 2 mins and start writing. Here are some journaling prompts to trigger your memory:
- Did you take any holidays?
- Did you learn something new (from experience, training etc)
- Was there any wins in your work/family/love/finance/health?
Once you are done, reset and do another 2 mins of your LOWS. Write down what didn’t work for you, any sad moments, failures, goals that you didn’t achieve etc?
* If you need more time, don’t worry you can add on to it later. Remember this is just an exercise.
Step 2: Create your Invented List for next year.
Find a new blank page, and at the top. write in bold the year 20XX, “INVENTED LIST”
Set timer for 5 mins and start writing your goals, dreams and what you want to make happen in the new year.
Some journaling prompts to help you out:
- What can you do right now if you’re not afraid?
- What have you stopped doing today that will make your 8 year old self sad?
- If anything is possible, what can you do if money, time or circumstances is not an issue?
- What are you passionate about?
Start writing whatever comes up, no matter how elusive and impossible it sounds, or how silly it is. Just it down. No self-editing. Just write freely. If you are done, there’s still time, keep writing. Again, if you need more time, you can always add on to it later.
Share in the comments below 1-3 Possibilities from your Invented List. When you share and and declare your Invented List, you are creating accountability AND miracles will happen….!!!!