Stay single until you meet the one who complements you not mirrors you.
Stay single until you meet the one who doesn’t have time for games and is always honest.
Stay single until you have gotten rid of all the toxins out of your system from your last relationship. The hurt, trauma and pains you went through and the challenges life threw at you. Keep the lessons but everything else that feels heavy, it has to go.
Stay single until you know what you want in life or until you have your life together.
A relationship should enhance your life, it shouldn’t make things in your life harder.
Stay single until you meet someone who doesn’t want you to be perfect because they know every flaw you have compliments them in a way that you’re perfect for them.
Stay single until you are ready to invest your time and energy in new relationship.
Stay single until you meet the guy who keeps his word.
Stay single until you meet someone who understands that it’s going to be tough and who’s prepared to dive in anyway.
Stay single until you meet a guy who is sure of you and never makes you doubt how he feels.
Stay single until you meet the one whose friend’s already know about before you meet them.
The one who respects you and treats you better than anyone before.
The one who says I love you first just because he wants you to know.
The guy who says, “text me when you’re home safe,” and stays up until he knows you are.
Stay single until you meet the one who makes sure you sleep on the inside of the bed away from the window.
Stay single until you meet someone who isn’t afraid to debate for good reasons or just for fun. Someone who loves your mind.
Stay single until you meet the one who doesn’t bottles up his feelings and isn’t afraid to fight for you.
Stay single until you meet the one who prays for you, and prays with you.
Stay single until you meet the one who drops everything if you need him. He’s the man who puts your needs first, over everyone else’s (including his own).
Stay single until you meet the one who never stops trying to keep you.
Because he knows getting you wasn’t the hard part but constantly giving you a reason to stay is what you deserve.
Stay single until you meet the one you can ugly cry with, and have no shame.
Stay single until you meet the one who thinks you’re beautiful when you cry, and keeps reminding you of this while they wipe away your tears.
Stay single until you meet the one who strives to do better in their life, because they want to take care of you.
Stay single until you meet the one who has goals and dreams of their own.
Stay single until you meet someone who will give you honest advice about your choice of clothes.
Stay single until you meet the person who makes you laugh until it hurts.
The one who heals any pain they didn’t cause from the past.
But more than that makes you forget about it.
The one you look at and in their eyes you see the next 50 years.
The one you miss before you even say goodbye.
Stay single until you meet a man who makes you want to the best version of yourself.
The one who knows when to apologize when he’s wrong.
Stay single until you meet the one who will do anything to see you smile.Weather it be liking your Instagram pics and/or clicking on all the ads in your blog.
The person who gets you flowers just because.
The one whose presence makes you feel a little more whole.
The one who redefines what you thought love in the past was.
Stay single until you meet someone who proves themselves to you. Not everyone in this world is who they say they are, or genuine in the way that they may seem.
Stay single until you meet a man who tells you his secrets. He values being emotionally close so he shares pieces of himself with you that he doesn’t with anyone else.
The one who asks for your advice because he values your opinions.
Stay single until you meet the one who not only introduces you to their family but makes you feel apart of it.
Stay single until you meet the who shares their heart with you (and food).
Stay single until you meet the one who can read through the bullshit you’re selling to the world and knows when to just hug you without saying anything at all.
The one who you can share your secrets with because you trust he won’t share it with anybody else.
Stay single until you meet the one who feels like home and you realize its never been about the place.
The one who holds your hand shamelessly and will kiss you in public.
Stay single until you meet the one who calls you back when you hang up. Because love is love.
Stay single until you meet the one who loves you unconditionally.
Stay single until you meet the one who accepts all of you and you do too.
Until then,
Stay Single
Be Happy.. Travel ..Live
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