As people continue to deal with social distancing, and even quarantine, there is a tendency for many of us to dress down, get in comfort mode, or allow our appearances to go unkempt. There are still those of us who are continuing our moments in quarantine. Public spaces are slowly opening up, and surely a number of people are going on vacations, while practicing (or not practicing) social distancing. Nevertheless, there is power in dressing yourself, even when you are not leaving your residential spacing.
One of the most awakening things, regarding these current times is that it provides an opportunity for us to reflect upon what we want during these current, and future, times. How do we want to move forward from here? Many people are dealing with fears. Others are grappling with job loss, and economic hardships. Certain things are out of our control. In fact that is one of the lesson to be learned during these given times. Release worries on what we cannot control. Focus on the things that we can. It’s one of the mantras that the given times is forcing humanity to cope with.
Anxiety is coming with this period. Regardless of certain public sectors, which are opening up, there is still the reality of fear. COVID-19 has not gone away. Therefore, quarantine is still in process and discussions on mental health are even more imperative, during these current times. We don’t have control over what is happening. However, what we do have control over, is how we can manage, and protect, our mental health within this current state. What do we have control over? How we move within our homes. What is one thing we have control over in our homes? The way we dress ourselves. How we decorate our bodies has the potential to change our moods, and awaken an inner happiness that we never knew existed. Here are a few different ways that you can use the at of fashion to increase your mood, while you are dealing with quarantine.
*Wear Bright Colors Daily
One of the things about those yellows, oranges, reds, greens, purples, and lively colors is how they highlight our own presence. How they brighten up our image gives us the ability to see new and innovative things about ourselves. Select a different color, a bright one, to wear each day, and allow them to reveal new and different things about your persona each day. Play around with the myriad styles, and watch them as they create a new aura, surrounding your persona, and character.
*Experiment With Different Styles
Go through your closet and play a game of match. See how you are able to mix different ensembles with your wardrobe. Try them on and allow yourself to see if they are suitable or complement your persona. Most importantly, have fun!
*Capture Your New Fashion Sense
When you have created a new style or ensemble, take a picture of yourself. This is a way in how you can create your personal fashion book. Keep a collection of these different reflections of you. Not only is it a form of documentation, but it is a way of reminding you just how special your presence is, during those moments when you are starting to feel down. Looking through your fashion book is one of the most powerful ways in how you can uplift your spirits and call on healthy images of yourself. Observing these healthy images gives you the power and ability to see that beautiful things can be captured, during this period of uncertainty.
*Create A Weekly Fashion Diary
Keep a journal or diary, surrounding how you are feeling about the different styles and fashion trends you are experimenting with. Create a level of intimacy with your journal, and express your feelings in how your fashion guide is transitioning how you are feeling. You are able to look back and see your growth, and transition. It is a nourishing factor, and allows you to reflect upon the significance of fashion.
*Use Your Fashion Sense To Make Changes In Your Home
The worlds of interior design and fashion are greatly connected. Once you begin to see how your fashion sense is being enriched and awakened, you have the power to observe just how you can change your residential, living spaces. If you are finding that wearing green gives you a particular level of comfort, then you can also see how you can expand that color, within the context of your own home. Its a beautiful thing to explore. See how you want to use that inspiration to expand those healthy vibes throughout other parts of your home.
*Select A Special Day Where You Exhibit Your Fashion To Family Members, Friends, Or Loved Ones
Whether it is through social media platforms such as Zoom, Instagram, Twitter, or others, make sure that you spread the amazing vibes that you are experiencing from the beauties of fashion. Have live fashion meetings, or editorials, and show off your new looks to your loved ones. Get them inspired, as well. Spread the new wellness love that you are receiving and getting in having done this new wellness work, through fashion. Spread that love, and encourage others to get into their own fashionable sense.
*Have A Fashionable Date Night With Yourself
Since we are not really able to go out and dine, during COVID-19, we can use our new fashion sense as a present to ourselves for a dinner night. Dress up in that new outfit, and the new style, you have created for yourself. Create a beautiful dinner, wine, candles, music playing, and just feel good and comfortable in this euphoric vibe. Having that special time to yourself, and dressing beautifully while doing it, makes us feel sacred. It is an affirmation that we matter. Furthermore, it is a way of solidifying to ourselves that we are meant to be here, in this time, and that life can still be beautiful.
Fashion is one of many ways in nourishing our mental health. Furthermore, it is a method in how we are able to care for ourselves during this difficult period. Life can still be beautiful, even during the time of an international pandemic. Even while many of us are still in quarantine, we can still create peace, and the essence of comfort, in our homes. We do not have to become imprisoned to them. As humanity is having to re-group, refresh, and re-store, our homes become the perfect spaces where we can re-center in the wellness process. This time is a special time. Not only are we having to re-align ourselves with nature’s time, we are coming to learn just how dehumanizing “the rat race” is. With everything that is going on, we do have control over something. How we present ourselves is just one of the many ways in doing it. So dress fashionable, and fashion well. Its a whole new conversation taking place in the context of fashion wellness. Decorating our outer, to restore our inner, so that we experience the true meaning of fashion, or retail, therapy.