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The goal of every individual is to be happy and find fulfilment in what they do. Every activity is inspired by it.
The desire to make more money and the decision to marry the person you’re fond of is geared towards creating more room for your happiness.
People wouldn’t mind doing anything to be happy. A popular misconception in the world today is the idea that if you’re able to acquire more things or get a higher paying job, then you’ll be happy. This necessarily isn’t true. The richest people in society are usually not the happiest.
Because TRUE happiness isn’t external, it’s bred from the within.
The happiest people on earth have over the years developed the ability to draw their happiness from within, rather than letting it rest on external and environmental factors.
Things dependent on external influences are subject to change, and letting your happiness rest on such an unsteady foundation will not leave you happy for long. That’s the reason most people are subject to mood swings and led by their emotional impulses.
The following steps will help you attain long-lasting happiness.
1. Refuse to worry
Worry is the greatest opposition to joy and happiness. You can’t be worried and stay happy at the same time, one has got to come in leaving no room for the other to say. So you’ve got to choose.
When you allow your mind wander off trying to figure out the outcome of events that hasn’t occurred, you lose valuable rest and peace of mind. And ultimately, you don’t solve anything by worrying.
Though you may have got a lot on your plate, try not to think about the worst-case scenario. Life will certainly throw hurdles at you but when you decide not to let it get to you, you fix everything in perspective and save your heart some peace.
2. Commit to something you love
Gratification gotten from doing what you love is a great source of happiness and fulfilment. Search for something positive and commit your time to it.
It doesn’t have to be grand or big, if it lightens your heart and causes a dent of satisfaction deep within ( so long it’s positive), do it.
Now, you must understand this: committing to something you love might not necessarily be doing a particular thing you grew up loving (not everyone has discovered their passion). Simply choose anything of your choice and committing to it, along the line you’d grow to love it.
3. Enjoy your journey
“Enjoy where you are while you’re on your way to where you’re going” is one piece of advice I tell almost everyone I come across.
Most people have this inflated idea that when they get to where they want to be in life, then they’d be happy. I hold this to be wrong. My little years of experience in chasing countless goals have taught me that happiness isn’t in the destination, it’s in the process.
If you can’t find a way to be content with the little you have now, there’s no way you’d be happy and content when you eventually actualise that grand goal you’ve so much pressed for. Human wants are unlimited.
Therefore learn to enjoy your journey, do not hold back on the little things you can enjoy in the present in anticipation of a perfect day in the future where you’ll be able to enjoy everything.
The perfect day may never come so don’t make the mistake of postponing your happiness. You’re only guaranteed of the present, so enjoy the most of it.
4. Look beyond yourself and love others
The vast human society is filled with greed and selfishness, and that’s chiefly responsible for the mess the world’s in. This has resulted in the spread of unhappy people distributed everywhere. To distinguish yourself from them, you must learn to do what they don’t do— love others.
We are never really happy when we’re only focused on ourselves. Real joy comes when we’re doing what we can do to be a blessing to someone else. When you make up your mind to be more of a positive impact on the people around and you, you find true happiness springing forth effortlessly.
5. Pay deaf ears to the dramas in the world
The environment, news and social media are in a constant battle to grab your attention. If you’re not careful, you’d lose track of your entire being and ultimately, the essence of your life.
With all the junks online, there’s a need to exercise caution and make deliberate decision on what you pay attention to.
You can’t read all the terrible news on TV of disease outbreak and terrorist bombings and expect to stay calm, there’s going to be arousal of fear and restlessness. You must learn to filter what you let get into you.
If you don’t have a genuine and productive reason for using social media, there’s no need spending hours scrolling through your newsfeed observing the lifestyle of people (Most of which, are fake by the way). This will save you the stress of trying to meet up with trends and keep up with meaningless competition.
6. Hangout with the right people
As it’s popularly said, you’re the average of the five persons you spend most time with.
People can influence your mood and feelings even without you noticing.
When you spend time with people who are always grumpy, sad and pessimistic, you’ll find yourself acting like them in no distant time and this will ultimately affect your happiness.
Mingle with people who are cheerful and passionate. The aura emanating from their attitude will rub off on you.