A top model is known for her knowledge about beauty and health, Lynn Anna Lafreniere will spread light on the topic of staying healthy while traveling. She has recently traveled to places like Ethiopia, Turkey, etc. and here is what she has to say about staying healthy during travel times.
Here are my top tips for staying healthy while traveling
The first tip I do a lot is walking. Walk every day when you’re traveling; there may not always be a gym and where I am there’s not a gym so I power walk every day. Walking is so great for your mood. It’s good for your circulation, it’s fantastic for your digestion, it keeps your appetite in check which is really important when you’re on vacation. So I make a point of every single day I go out for a power walk
Staying healthy while traveling is making sure that you drink lots of water. So everywhere I go I have my bottle of water. I just buy a glass bottle wherever I’m traveling and then I just keep refilling it with tap water assuming where you’re traveling the tap water safe because water is so good for your skin. Water’s great to keep your appetite in check it is great for staying energized too. If you get dehydrated that’s the number one reason that people actually get fatigued and tired is actually from being dehydrated. So, I drink like three to four of these every single day whether I’m at home or if I’m traveling.
Another joyous tip for traveling is to always have healthy snacks with you so in my little pouch I have a protein bar that I’ve been munching. I actually bring these from home and I know you guys are going to ask me what I’m eating. It’s actually genuine house fermented proteins plus and I also have some heart bites. A good source of protein, always making sure that your snacks have protein because you’re going to be fuller longer and I always bring these when I travel.
My next tip is something that really helps me stay on track. I always bring my supplements with me when I travel so just like eating healthy I want to keep up these daily habits that I have at home with me when I’m traveling. I have my fish oil, my probiotics, have my turmeric. I have all of the stuff limits they always travel with me and yeah it is pretty funny when I’m air traveling like flying and I go through security and they’re very curious about what all my supplements are so make sure you bring your supplements with you.
You’re on vacation, this is all about distressing, reconnecting with yourself and your loved ones and most of all have fun so I hope you guys enjoyed my tips. Hopefully, you’ll follow these and enjoy your vacations while staying healthy.