My country, tis’ of thee Sweet land of liberty Of thee, I sing
(Photograph by Mohamed Ashour; Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
Who could ever forget Marian Anderson’s riveting performance, at the Lincoln Memorial? One that broke racial barriers at the nation’s capital. The influence, and leadership, of First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt; and her actions to ensure the vigilance of one American flower. Passing the baton, to the next generation of American women.
From sea to shining sea. . .
(Photograph by Mohamed Ashour; Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
So, on March 6, 2018, at the American University In Cairo, the festivities of International Day, again reflected a ballad of America. North. South. East. West. Pennsylvania, Georgia, and California showed up to represent that red, white, and blue! The Spirit of 3 for creative cultures in the United States of America. Black America’s daughter returned. Mexico-America’s Maiden introduced her presence. And a son of New England’s fertility re-assured this unique coloration in American soil (coming soon for more on that). Their vigilance, and that of the entire team, is soon to come.
Decorating, meeting, and innovating together, to ensure that the authenticity of America’s vigilance was, in tact.
The two Maidens, who marched in the parade, were one of the cultures, representing the authentic paintings of America’s landscapes. A sacred realm, which cannot be bought or worn, as the latest fashion trend. An accessory to be taken on, or off, when it doesn’t suit the current times. No! When culture is not bought, acquired through association, or in the birthing on land, one must stand in it. Standing in it, even in the roughest of times. Even when leadership is not popular in the national or international realms.
Carrying the flag did not mean a blindness to social responsibility, or messages. Honoring the flag did not mean, that vocalities on the murdering of Black American youth (and elders), were erased. A raised first symbolized victory on the salute, reminescent of the Black American legacy. All of us weren’t the new category of ”dreamers,” coming for a better life. Though, that tale was vigilant in the Pennsylvania persuasion.
Traces of Mexico, and it’s painful his/herstory with the United States, was an intricate painting for audience members. Yet, through Grecia Pinto (exchange student), that image was restored.
(Photograph by AUC Photographer; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)
(Photograph by AUC Photographer; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)
(Photograph by AUC Photographer; Edits By Lauren K. Clark)
In a prior herstory, the colonization of First Nation/Indigenous, by the Spanish, was a reminder of an unpopular subject. Native populations, and a gripping tale, as to how land was kept sacred-at one point in time.
Internal conflict among tribes, and the farce of being painted, as non-existent. Through it all, Native daughters stay rising. Singing, singing, and chanting through.
Those daughters of Native country, who stayed true to their culture; and the collective of Native womanhood and identity. That is important to know. For herstory remembers the smiles of treachery. Those Native groups, who aligned with “the invaders,” against other Native populations. Political spite and selfish gain. Only to realize their losses, at the end. Herstory never forgets!
The Pensylvania Persuasion also served as a reminder of those European immigrants, who landed into American soils for a better life. While retaining traces of their Dutch, Italian, German, Irish, Scottish, and other cultures. Their presence would serve as a visual painting for a stilled presence of making the foreign, somewhat familiar. The New England heritage of Daniel was intrinsical in delving into more history in this particular region of the world. The rural atmosphere, and culinary, whicih is heavily connected with this area of the United States. Too often, the “Big Apple,” “B-More,” and other cities take on a greater precedence. But, they are here! Loud, clear, and real in American identity.
(Photograph by Mohamed Ashour; Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
International Day 2018, at the American University in Cairo was also affirmation that carrying the passport, did not equate to American identity. Personal association, or association, was irrelevant. At the heart of it all, it all boiled down to the faithful few. Those who wanted to represent the United States of America because America is ingrained in their hearts and Spirits. History and culture have their roles to play. The two factors, serving as guardians and gatekeepers of the United States of America-in all of her authenticity.
So, with the two Maidens screaming of the red, white, and blue-the sparkles of triumph and empowerment were vigilant; for those who remember (and know) that the United States of America is more than a political entity. Egyptian visitors experienced a different side of the USA. Outside of the traditional tales of its economic power, and military might. And a different image, they saw. . .
(Photograph by Mohamed Ashour; Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
Let Freedom, ring! Let Freedom, ring!
The Spirit of AUC was alive and running on this magical day. And definitely, there was a re-newal of the American Spirit. A re-newal, that is part of the fabric for the freedoms, struggles, and culture; which continue to make. . .America great!
(Photograph by Mohamed Ashour; Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
(Photograph by Mohamed Ashour; Edits by Lauren K. Clark)
(Photograph by Mohamed Ashour; Edits by Lauren K. Clark)