After months and months of hating someone I barely knew, I decided to move on. How many times are you going to let someone dictate how you thought of someone else? I know that everyone gets jealous of their ex’s new boo’s but, why? How ridiculous could you be, to take someone else’s ideas and thoughts about someone else before your own? I never thought I would say this, but I fell in love with my ex’s ex.

No, I am not saying that I have changed sexual gender preferences, nor am I saying that loving the same sex is wrong, but I have finally realized that you can love who you want, in any aspect.

This year has been a long one for me and it has taken a lot of time before I realized that who I thought was my enemy was far from it. Through months of family court and days of uncertainty I have finally come to understand who was on my team, on my daughters’ team.

Have you ever heard of the saying, “keep your friends close and your enemies closer”? I have always taken that with a grain of salt. This year I really thought about how effective that statement really was. I have had many friendships dissolve over the family issues I have had, yet I have grown even more prominent ones. Your closest friends are not necessarily the ones that are going to be there for you in the end and the people you think are going to turn against you wind up being the most influential.

Today, I want you all to know about the most amazing person in my life, other than my daughter; her name is Sarah. Never, did I ever think that I would be writing anything to commend her for being her, but now I am.

In the beginning, she was everything people wished they were not. I knew her to be everything negative, I am sure you can define that for yourself. However, over the last year she has become my deepest friend and I could not imagine my life, nor the life of my daughter without her. Not only has she stepped up as a friend, but she has become a stable figure in my daughter’s life, and I would not and could not imagine either one of our lives without her.

2020 has certainly been a year that most of us would like to forget, but I can tell you that there is one thing I would like to keep on the record, and that is becoming friends and family with Sarah. It has been a long time coming and to be honest, I would have never suggested this to anyone ever, but you would be surprised at how close you can get to someone when you have similar experiences.

Sarah and I dated the same person and, let us be honest, we both hated each other. However, after a few months it became apparent why we were destined to be friends. Now this is not a hatred post about our ex, even though, that would be an amazing article, but this is more of an appreciation for human life. I know there are girls and guys out there who have looked at their new ex’s new love and had ultimate hate, but why? I am not saying that you will love all of them but in weird circumstances, you find friends and family in the oddest places.