Live without the labels.
We shouldn’t be defined by our culture, our race, our education, our status, or our family. These are just labels we put on ourselves. That’s not who we are. As a first-generation Indian-American, I didn’t want to come across as being too Indian. I admit I never worried about not being Indian enough.
Many of us don’t entirely feel connected to each other.
Part of the problem is that we don’t see one another as equally human. The desire to overwork ourselves comes from a place to be known, to stand out, or to set ourselves apart because we are continually being defined and judged by others. Some want to always be at the top to outdo their friends. We want to go to an Ivy-league college, so our family and friends can praise us. Is our worth dependent on a GPA or the one test we take? When we believe that our worth is based on how better we are than someone else, then we fail to recognize our true dignity. Unfortunately, this is the reality of our culture.
Why can’t we see how valuable, intelligent, and worthy we are? Who says a career in the arts is unacceptable? Who says a career in medicine, engineering, and technology is the only path toward financial stability? Why have we been raised to live under these conditions?
Know not only your strengths but your weaknesses that still need developing.
Our worth should come from a place of love, including embracing any shortcomings. It means honestly looking inward. It’s not always easy to accept certain aspects of ourselves and others. When we come to this realization, we become fully alive.
It’s never too late to turn things around.
How do we stop this quest of being better than others? By seeking and living out your own experience. Here are the 6 ways:
- Find passion deep within
- Draw upon imagination
- Create a treasure out of nothing
- Embody an intense dedication
- Respond to the call and strive for greatness
- Experience something magical
Tend to each other with intention, love, and commitment.
We need to be supportive of one another other. We are on this journey of life together. We are always learning. We stand for something far more significant than we think. Choose honor and respect by building a culture around people. Our lives matter because our human existence has meaning, purpose, and worth.