This month is the middle of 2020. The year that was supposed to be ‘seen’ perfectly. After all, 20/20 vision is perfect. Notice I said, “was” like it is too late to see anything. We are in the middle of seeing everything, from religion to politics, relationships, and everything in between.

Most people avoid talking about controversial issues unless they are known or want to be known as “that person” who is outspoken. People avoid controversy because it could ‘ruin their reputation’ inside of their business circles. 

However, people who want to leave their mark… their legacy… will strategically use their platforms to create movement. We see this on every award show stage. Actors are famous for informing the public of how they feel or think about certain issues and how we should too. 

I would like to use my platform, to briefly discuss how to create positive movement amongst controversial times. 


The first thing we must do to create movement is to acknowledge that movement is needed. This is different than just starting to move. Failure to acknowledge that movement is needed, is a failure to see what is needed. Acknowledgement means that there will be some research done, not merely on what to do, but more importantly why it is needed. 

Acknowledgement is accepting of a truth or the existence of a thing. Acknowledgement also is something that is typically seen in a book, where the writer/author will write a few sentences of thankfulness towards people or entities. Both suggest the fact that it is about recognizing that something is needed to move. Acknowledgement brings a situational circumstance into awareness. 


Acknowledgement gives way to awareness. When researching or learning about something or someone no doubt we gain information about said person or thing. Whatever knowledge we do obtain, brings us into its awareness. This awareness will become the driving force of movement. The clearer the truth is, the better the movement will be. 

Awareness is what we attach emotions to. Along with emotions, come feelings, facts, and faith towards the thing. Awareness is the field in which we wrestle with concepts like:

• Truth vs Lies

• Fiction vs Non-Fiction

• Values, Morals, Ethics

What a great place to be. Here, the real work gets done before needed work begins. In Business, this is where we are deciding what to do, who to serve, why it is us that is needed. In life, this is where we move through relationships, find ourselves and determine our purpose.

Some people spend years here, and some spend days. Current events are ushering people out of this place and into the awareness of needing to take some actions. This place can and will be the hardest and most rewarding place to walk through. 


This is the place where the rubber meets the road. Action is hard. Action requires us to get out of our comfort zone. Actions result in reactions. The reality is that we do not know the reactions that may come, so we become paralyzed and sometimes never act…. Until it is too late in some cases. 

When we act, we are indicating that we are aware that movement is needed, and we acknowledge that action is the path to take. Once we act, we are in motion. Simple mechanics remind us that it is harder to stop something in motion that is moving and gaining momentum.

Action says, ‘I am ready to jump into the game’ and the time is now.

Get Moving 

Now is the time for you to act. What has been brought into your awareness this year that you have need or desire to acknowledge? Changes may be on the horizon for you. It may be scary to move, especially if it is a different direction than you typically go, or different than everyone else around you ‘thinks’ you should go. 

At the end of the day, we are all 100% responsible for ourselves, period. Acknowledging this will bring you into an awareness of your current circumstances that will ask, “are you ready to act?” The question then becomes… will you? 
