Realigning goals in the age of uncertainty

 2020 is the year that keeps popping dream bubbles right and left. COVID-19 derailed many goals and as the continued use of “unprecedented” and “historic” are in the common lexicon when referring to 2020, I think it’s safe to say that most people feel we are in unusual times.

“A delay is not a denial. It is only a sign that you need to have peace, patience, and trust that in perfect timing what you want will come to you.” ~Anonymous

While setbacks and delays may mean that a dream or a goal seems even further away than when you started, just because something takes longer to happen, doesn’t mean it has been denied.

We are a culture that has become accustomed to plenty and instant gratification. Delays, obstacles and challenges are not necessarily common and waiting can be difficult. At these times, patience and persistence can seem difficult to come by. Examining the wreckage that this pandemic has wrought and the uncertainty of an unpredictable future, makes it challenging to want to commit to goals. But now more than ever, we need to avoid the apathy of rudderless life and re-imagine more agile and adaptive goals.

When you feel disheartened, remember that micro-steps and persistence are keys to keeping dreams alive. A step forward is a step forward. Those longer term visions still need the consistency and persistence of micro-steps today.

Spending time identifying and honoring the micro-steps is critical to momentum and progress. It is the progress and not the perfection that holds weight when the going gets tough. Without recognition of the process and persistence, it could be easy to become disillusioned and succumb to self-inflicted deadlines and unrealistic pressures.

Not meeting an original goal, deadline or needing to adapt your plan to conditions is not a de facto form of failure and even if there is an element of failure, you still have the option to fail forward by learning from the situation. By focusing on the learning and the incremental steps, we can be agile and adaptable when life throws the unexpected in the path you originally intended to take.


  • Lisa Beth Lentini Walker

    CEO and Founder

    Lumen Worldwide Endeavors

    Lisa Beth Lentini Walker is the CEO and Founder of Lumen Worldwide Endeavors, a firm specializing in compliance, governance and ethics consulting as well as executive coaching to improve performance and well-being.  Lisa Beth is a skilled global business partner that has led award winning legal and compliance departments within large public corporations and privately held enterprises.  Given the high stress, high stakes world of law and compliance, Lisa Beth saw the need for a greater appreciation and focus on well-being and holistic health outcomes in the risk professions.  She is certified as a mindfulness and meditation instructor and has completed Health and Well-Being Coaching courses. Lumen Worldwide Endeavors is a woman owned small business and a Female Founder Collective member.