I’ve reversed my summer and fall schedules this year. Historically speaking my autumns have been jam packed with conferences, travel, holidaze, etc. My summers have normally been more laid back, quiet, enjoy patio season, etc.

For 2019 I switched my seasons. I have 2 vacations in the fall, and a mini trip back home to see a particular end of a Saga with my brother.

My summer was filled with podcast interviews, meetings, calls, work, etc.

How did I do a role reversal on my schedule?

I scheduled it that way. I planned for my year to be this way.

You control your schedule. Don’t delegate this.

Vacations do help with the prevention of burnout, but they’re not the complete solution to burnout symptoms.

If you’re on the verge (or deep in) of burnout, reach out to me. Happy to have a chat to guide you out of your own burnout saga.

Book a call

In the meantime, check out this awesome post from Abby Quillen on how to prepare for your vacation.


  • Michael Levitt

    Chief Burnout Officer

    Breakfast Leadership, Inc.

    Michael Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of Breakfast Leadership, Inc,, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout prevention firm. He is a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, and is one of the world's leading authorities in burnout recovery and prevention.  He is also a Fortune 500 consultant, #1 bestselling author, and host of the Breakfast Leadership Show, a top 200 podcast on iTunes. He is a 2x Top 20 Global Thought Leader on Culture with Thinkers360. He is a former Healthcare executive, CIO, and CFO overseeing $ 2 Billion budgets, so he’s seen and done it all.
    His main keynotes are:
    1. Burnout Prevention: How To Avoid Your Own Year of Worst-Case Scenarios 2. Workplace Culture: Create A Workplace That People Will Beg To Work With 3. Working Remotely With Boundaries: How To Accomplish More At Home, Without Burning Out