I’m not sure if you feel it, but there is a lot of fear in the world at this time.  It’s an election year and people’s nerves seem to be heightened, there have been numerous natural disasters worldwide and most recently the fear of the coronavirus.

Fear is a natural reaction when things seem out of control, but it usually makes matters worse.  I know this full well because fear is something I’ve struggled with my entire life, and more so lately. 

This past year, I decided to make a career change. Well, I should say that God guided me to make this change. I had been burnt out in my career for years, but I was scared of making a change. I had been in the same career for 20 years and worked hard to be successful. So this change was not an easy one for me.  When I started interviewing last year, I was looking at many jobs in different fields. After a few months of interviewing, I had 2 job offers to consider. One was in the same industry that I was burnt out from and the other was in a completely new industry. I prayed and asked God for guidance and wisdom in making the right decision and I felt him lead me to the new job in a new industry. Honestly it didn’t make much sense because the other job was offering a lot more money which would have given me more stability and a sense of comfort. But I knew I heard God clearly, so I accepted the other job offer. It’s been 9 months and I can say that it hasn’t been an easy road, but I know God is with me on this journey. 

First, I’m in my 50s and I’m starting a new career! That in itself is a lot to take on. It’s also been a huge learning curve where many times I’ve wanted to give up along the way. I’ve struggled with comparing myself to younger colleagues, self doubt and wondering if I made the right decision. But God continues to reassure me that I’m right where I’m meant to be. During one of the hardest times, I heard him tell me, “Don’t give up before the blessing comes.” I have held onto this every time things seem too difficult and He gives me the strength to keep going.  

Through this season, I see how God is making me stronger and is helping me overcome my fears. Feelings of self doubt and failure continue to rear their ugly head at times, but God has shown me how to trust in him and not in myself. He has shown me who is in control and who to run to when the fears come up. 

Right now we are all seeing the effects of the coronavirus. It’s having a horrible effect on the economy and I see the fear in everyone’s eyes. It’s the fear of the unknown that affects us all. But who will we turn to when we fear?  Who is the one we can depend on when the economy suffers and uncertainty grows stronger? We have a choice and we can turn to God. He is sovereign and he is always in control, even when it doesn’t feel this way. He knows what will happen, so we can trust him. Is it scary?  Yes, uncertainty is always scary but we have a God who will help us through and calm our nerves. Remember who sits on the throne and remember who is with you always. 

Psalm 46:1-2; 10

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.  Be still and know that I am God.”


  • Jennifer Baker

    Writer/Executive Recruiter

    I'm a writer, speaker and mentor. I write Devotionals, Poems and Psalms. I'm also currently working on my Memoir. I'm a mentor to high school girls and I'm passionate about this work. I love to travel and spend time with family. Life can be so much more than we ever imagined. We just need to let go and trust.