Colors are reminders of life’s different facets. And, as our visions experience the myriad wonders, designs, and perceptions of life, we can imagine and inquire, into how rich and abundant life truly is. Being in the midst of multitudes of colors means that we have the opportunity to become co-creators in our vision, bringing creativity into the world. It is phenomenal!

Art is a natural healer and remedy for the psyche. Visual artistry is a micro-element into humanity’s performance in Universal artistry. Connecting our imagination, we make use of that energy in concocting different, and infinite, possibilities in how the galaxies perform their own sense of wonder.


When we venture into the realm of painting, we enter into a space of making the invisible. . .seen. A white-colored canvas is highlighted, and decorated, with intricate designs, which ends up being real, simply because it was made to be, so. And, once it is reflected in the visual, it becomes, real. That’s the power of imagination. Once it is made to be seen, it is. Through painting, we observe this fluid transition between the imaginary, and real worlds. It is an important teaching concerning why the clearing of our minds is so important. Because what we paint, reflects the degree of our mental health. The outcome of a brush to paper, doesn’t lie.

We don’t have to be professional, visual artists, in order to have holistic experiences in the world of painting. Being alone, in a quiet room, grants us with the mental nutrition we need. Of course, a little music will do. With paintbrush in hand, we paint our personal contribution, and reflection, of making the invisible, real.


The beautiful anecdote of this experience is that we are designing, and reflecting, our own, unique existence. Painting the colors we use, patterns, designs, and our final product is a mirror of our own patterns, colors, and designs in the Universe. It shows the movement and style of our Spirit. It is special because it is our own. No one has it, but us. And, it is this revelation that makes our unique persona, evermore. . .intricate. What an iconic experience! What a meditative reflection in its own right!


Painting is a therapy. Even if what is painted on the canvas is not pretty, it is still a reality. It is a reality check for our current state of mind. The paint does not lie. How we mix different colors, craft the shapes, and stroke the designs, can define where we are in our mental health. The good news is that even if the painting is not pretty, it tells us the truth! If we are willing to be honest with ourselves, we can begin our mental healing journey. With each gradual process, we can observe transformations in our mental psyche, through our paintings, alone.

Observing the type of strokes used in our paintings, provides us with the incite, regarding our particular movement patterns on Earth. How our Spirit moves, and how that guides our physical being to move. Some of us have one style, as others have many. Its an intriguing facet, I must say. Something to be embraced. Celebrated. Captured. Nourished. Cherished. Repeated.

White and blue oil paint strokes textured background (

Painting is a way for individuals to understand themselves, and who they are. It is a euphoric experience, and allows for an individual to re-discover, and get to know her/himself, through a 360-degree viewpoint. The fact of the matter, is that most people do not truly know who they are, nor discover, themselves. Societal pressures, restrictions, stress, and barriers, makes it so that, few do. Many human beings are not accustomed to seeing themselves as part of a greater energy level, surrounded (and filled) with abundance and infinite creativity. Just imagine if humanity was permitted this wonder. A radical transformation in how we walk through, and care for, the Earth would take place. There would never be such a thing as loneliness or isolation.


To paint in the company of our very own existence means that we are giving pleasure to our very Being. Ah! The excitement of discovering and experimenting different sides to our human existence. No one can deny one’s desire to participate in this endeavor. It is the very essence of self-love and self-care. A mental check-in. Observing the production of one’s mental state. If it needs work, then what other activities will we engage in to permit the art of mental cleaning? And, periodically, we return to the world of painting, to receive our latest update. Wait. Pause. . . Breathe! It feels so good, doesn’t it?

From a feminine point-of-view, painting allows us to assess our gardens. How have they been designed? Have they been properly watered? Are they reaping our heart’s desire? In laywoman’s terms, our gardens can be physical places of vegetation, environments, set-up (and design) of our homes, and the interior of our residential spaces in providing the nourishment we need. If what we paint on paper looks uninviting, malnourished, depressing, and imbalanced, chances are, our gardens are in that shape, too. The good news is that we are checking in. Which means, in the living world, we can turn things, around.


Look at your painting. Does it reflect your life’s appetizers?

As we brush different strokes across invisible spacing, let’s enjoy the life we are imagining. The life we are reflecting. The life we are painting. It feels alive. It makes us alive, when in the direction of joy. So, during that time when we feel our light is at its end, let’s return to a darkening richness, and paint all over again!
