Attitude is everything. And, I am not talking about the attitude your kid gives you when you ask them to clean their room. No, I am talking about the attitude you have towards yourself and your health. The things that you tell yourself on a daily basis about getting fit and healthy and living a better life.

Why is attitude so important?

Attitude shapes so much of who we are and how we approach situations – more than we even realise, or care to admit! It shapes what we do with our life, and how we achieve our goals. It’s how we speak to people, it’s how we react when things go wrong, it’s the choices we make. It’s the difference between eating a whole block of chocolate, versus eating a couple of squares; or waking up an hour earlier to exercise, versus going back to sleep when the alarm goes off.

It’s the stories we tell ourselves:

  • “I can’t exercise
    today, I am too tired.”
  • “Eating healthy is
    boring. I can’t live on salad.”
  • “I want to get fitter
    so I can run around with my kids, but I don’t have time.”

We’ve all been there. Attitude. It creeps up on you. It can work for you or against you. If you are already telling yourself you can’t do something, or that it’s too hard, chances are, you won’t be able to do it and it will be too hard, because you’re already setting yourself up to fail, before you’ve even begun.

But, what if we turned it around? What if you decided to remove negative thoughts from your mind? What if you changed the stories you told yourself? Say you went to bed half an hour earlier at night. Say you laid out your exercise clothes the night before, packed your gym bag and made sure everything was ready to go. Say, when your alarm went off in the morning, instead of rolling over and going back to sleep, you got up. 

How might that change your day? Your week? Your mood? It’s just a few simple choices that we make, day in, day out, that can make a real positive difference in our lives.

Getting real with yourself

When you start to change your attitude and the way you approach situations, the outcome can be very different.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not an easy thing to do. There’s no magical cure, no quick fix. You’re not going to get the body you dream of in a day. You’re not going to have this instant mindset shift, just from one day of eating better, or doing one yoga class. One day you might be on top of the world and excited to go out there and run a marathon, the next day, you just want to lounge around in your pyjamas and eat junk food. And that’s okay.

Cut yourself some slack. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a training session or you slip back into an old eating habit. It happens. Acknowledge it and move on. Think about the positives and focus on what you CAN achieve, rather than what you CAN’T. Always take the opportunity in every situation to learn about yourself.  

If you gradually work at it, day by day, and you commit yourself to the goal you’ve set for yourself – whatever that may be – and change the way you think about it, you will get there (trust me), and you will find over time, your overall wellbeing and general health and happiness will improve greatly.  

Are you ready to reshape your attitude and get
serious about your health and fitness goals? Get in touch with me at and let me help you. 


  • Helen Reed

    Mindfulness, Holistic Health and Transformation Coach

    Business Owner, Thought Provoker and Entrepreneur focused on holistic approach to mind body well being. Feature as a best selling author of "She Made it Happen" (2017) and recently launched a Corporate Women's Tribe - Motivated Mindful and Moving Women to build and drive positive connections of all like minded women

    She is a corporate businesswoman, a mum and owns her own business - Kappatalize Wellness.  She recently launched a Womens Tribe - Motivated Mindful & Moving Women for women who are overwhelmed and want to learn how to live their most authentic self by focusing on their health and well being through fitness, nutrition, natural living and mindfulness.

    She has worked in the corporate and consulting world for 15 years, focusing on how people shift their mindset when faced with challenging work environments.

    She is a successful motivational speaker and has even authored a chapter in the best selling series "She Made it Happen: 22 inspiring stories from female entrepreneurs around the world"

    She is also the owner of Kappatalize Wellness - a fitness, health and wellness business, where she works with both men and women to help them live the best life they possibly can, with a focus on healthy living through exercise, nutrition, mindset, mindfulness  and wellness programs.

    She is a qualified Change & Project Manager,  Personal Trainer, Bootcamp Trainer, Nutritionist, Holistic Health Coach, NLP Certified and Mindfulness Certified Coach.

    When she is not working or running her own business, she is spending time with her young family, exercising, taking on challenging outdoor adventures,  playing and watching sports and living life :-)