Good communication is important for corporate managers to execute the core management functions, i.e., scheduling, coordinating, guiding and managing.

Communication aids administrators in working out their jobs and responsibilities. Communication turns as a tactical base. All the necessary information must be conveyed to the supervisors who have to execute the plans in order to enforce them.

Organizing often includes effective communication about your work role with others. Additionally, leaders as managers must effectively communicate with their superiors in order to achieve team goals. Controlling without written and oral contact is not feasible.

Managers devote much of their contact time. They normally talk for about 6 hours a day. They spend great time with their bosses, supervisors, friends, clients and suppliers on face-to-face and electronic contact. Written correspondence is also used by administrators in the form of letters, notes and memos where verbal contact is not feasible.

We can therefore conclude that “effective communication is a building block for productive organizations.” Communication, in other words, serves as institutional water.

The implication of communication in an establishment can be summarized as follows:

Interaction enhances drive by educating and illuminating workers about the chore to be accomplished, how they achieve the task, and how to progress their performance if not up to the mark.

    Communication is a foundation of information for decision-making actions for company leaders as it allows distinguishing and shaping possible course of action.

    Communication often plays a crucial role in influencing the attitudes of people, i.e. a well-informed person will have a better attitude than a less informed person. Organizational newsletters, journals, conferences and other means of oral and written interaction help to shape the behaviors of workers.

 It leads to socializing as well. The only involvement of another person fosters contact in today’s life. It’s also said that without contact one can’t survive.

    Communication also aids in managing operation, as discussed earlier. This helps in different ways to control the actions of institutional participant. There are different levels of leadership and some standards and rules to be practiced in an organization by workers. We should comply with corporate policy, successfully fulfill their job role, and convey with their bosses any work problems or grievances. Communication thus helps to control the management process.

An effective and efficient communication system requires the ability of managers to send and receive messages. A director should recognize multiple communication barriers, examine the reasons for their existence, and take corrective steps to avoid these barriers. Therefore, a manager’s primary responsibility is to develop and maintain the organization’s effective communication network.
