Today, October 10, is World Mental Health Day, and it is the second day of the year when I remember Chester Bennington and how he passed away of suicide. His wife has started 320 Changes Direction, and as the website says, it addresses the needs of those suffering from mental health concerns and addiction.

Not everybody who suffers mental illness will experience the limelight the way he did, and not every battle is out there for public consumption. Quiet, private battles are being fought, often without any social support or help. During the course of mental illnesses, social support can wither away and a separate battle has to be fought to handle that too.

Mental health disorders can potentially cause nations $16.3 trillion between 2011 and 2030. CEOs like the CEO of Lloyds Bank have been open with their mental health concerns, and brought change within their organizations by doing so.

I am a big believer in the healing power of art, and sometimes watch with dismay how the mentally ill are portrayed in cinema for instance. Post 2013, my association with the movie ‘Silver Linings Playbook’ has changed over the years, and I find it to be a great example of atleast portraying some aspects of mental illness absolutely right. It did help that Bradley Cooper has starred in it!

To those who are fighting private battles, may the movie make you smile at the romance between an unlikely couple and the happy ending. For others, perhaps the dance lessons will work!

Wishing everybody good mental health.