Seth Godin’s “This is Strategy” is not just a book about traditional strategy techniques. It’s a book that understands your challenges as a marketer, entrepreneur, or leader. It focuses on building trust, making a difference, and developing meaningful connections with your audience. It emphasises that Strategy is about helping people solve problems rather than selling products. The approach challenges conventional strategy wisdom and promotes a more thoughtful, human-centred strategy. He defines Strategy as the generous act of helping others solve a problem, no matter why you’re selling. This book is a must-read for you, as it’s tailored for those seeking to create lasting impact. With Godin’s brand focus, transparency, and discernment, This Strategy delivers a framework for practical and agile strategic thinking, delivering fundamental building blocks to pivot vision into reality. Strategy is in business and leadership contexts; the approach involves analysing environments, setting clear goals, and creating a structured plan to allocate resources and efforts efficiently.
Culture is real, but it can be changed. You can bend it.
Why is this book different?
Let me be honest: strategy was an unattainable idea reserved for my clients. However, Seth invites everyone to embark on this creative journey, face challenges, and seek strategic insights. This guide to thinking simply and strategically in a complex, ever-changing world is a must—read for anyone aspiring to push change. I particularly liked Seth’s ability to understand and impact the systems shaping our world to see how to prioritise long-term reflection over instant gratification and how to create intelligent, intentional choices that shape a more promising tomorrow. His process to strategy is not about fixed plans or cookie-cutter resolutions. It’s about comprehending the codes that make strategies practical: compassionate, collaborative, and ready to rinse and repeat.
Do you believe in what you do? Every day? It turns out that belief happens to be a brilliant strategy.
In conjunction with Seth Godin’s new book, THIS IS STRATEGY, there’s now a powerful new tool you can use with your team. The Strategy Is a custom set of cards that offer more than 5,000,000 combinations to help unlock the value of your work. This deck urges conversation. When you sit with someone, deal out the four cards, and then line them up, someone will be inclined to go first. They create a blank space for us to fill with our ideas.
Lastly, beginning in October 2024, Seth will have a fabulous podcast called Akimbo, where you can learn more about This is Strategy.
They’re still on press and will be ready in early October 2024. The cost is They’reeck, plus shipping. In addition, if you’re working with a non-profit or creating social impact, use the code you’re that matters” at checkout to save 20%. To pre-order, please use this link. If you’re doing work with a non-profit or to create social impact, use the code work that matters to save 20%.
Stratergy isn’t a map its a compass. The hard work is what we need to do today to make tomorrow better!
Reference Seth Godin is the” author of 21 international bestsellers that have changed how people think about work and art. They have been translated into 38 languages. His breakthrough books include Unleashing the Ideavirus, Permission Marketing, Purple Cow, Tribes, The Dip, Linchpin, The Practice, and This is Marketing.
He writes one of the most popular daily blogs in the world and has given 5 TED talks. He is the founder of the altMBA, the former VP of Direct Marketing at Yahoo!, and the founder of the pioneering online startup Yoyodyne.