One is not always aware of what triggers one’s own stressful situation and what physical and psychological effects it can have. And then the question still remains: what should be done about it?
We have therefore not only put together an overview of the most important triggers and effects of stress in the workplace but also give you specific tips on what you can do about it. Fridge repair may seem like a daunting repair but it’s easy.
What are the main stress factors in the workplace?
Stress factors can be divided into three groups: social, physical and psychological.
- Social stress factors are primarily all those that can be described as “stress in working with colleagues”, i.e. competitive pressure, conflicts, and bullying. Dealing with the executive floor is also of course one of the social stress factors – uncomfortable pressure from above is also called bossing
- Physical stress factors affect the work environment (e.g. weak lighting, noise), strenuous physical activities, or night and shift work.
- For some, psychological stress factors already begin when they are dissatisfied with their job, deadline pressure, constant availability, underload (boreout) and the fear of termination also count.
The effects of stress in the workplace
The effects of stress in the workplace can be both physical and psychological, and range from harmless bad moods to serious physical illnesses. In addition to being in a bad mood, the first signs can also be irritability or pessimistic thoughts, followed by the threat of a decrease in motivation and social withdrawal. Physical signs at the beginning are often exhaustion and tension, but stress can lead to gastrointestinal problems,
weight loss, a weakened immune system, and sleep disorders and, in the worst case, burnout.
Stress at work and in private – fatal interactions
If you experience stress at work, it often happens that you take it home with you. According to a recent IFES study (on behalf of the GPA-djp union), 55% of the 800 workers surveyed do so that they spend their free time doing business now and then. Tiredness and exhaustion due to overwork at work lead 40% of those surveyed to have the impression that they cannot spend their free time entirely freely. In addition, 48% state that they cannot organize their free time entirely according to their own wishes. This stress also means that many cannot use their leisure time sufficiently for recreation: 51% of women and 58% of men stated that they cannot recover.
When stressed people take their problems and worries home with them, they are often more irritable and less resilient, which can contribute to tensions and conflicts with their partner and family. In turn, double burdens at home and at work can reinforce each other and lead to overload.
Therefore, if you feel overworked and stressed, you should not wait too long, but actively try to combat the stress.