Owning your own business and taking charge of your destiny can be an empowering and incredible experience. It can also be physically and mentally exhausting. When you go out on your own, it’s all on you to make things work. Burnout is common in many entrepreneurs that are taking on too much.


Being able to recognize when your stress levels are getting out of control and taking action to preserve your own health are important parts of being a leader. Stress can make it hard to perform at your best. Being a business owner requires you to be at your best if you want to be successful.

Self-care should be a priority for every entrepreneur. Scheduling time to relieve stress and regenerate your energy can only benefit your business. Take breaks through your day, take some time for a rub down from a certified massage therapist or spend a few minutes with your kids. There are plenty of ways to reduce stress in your life, even when you are busy building your own empire.

Be Realistic

There are only so many hours in each day and it’s impossible to be everywhere at once. These are two realities that every entrepreneur needs to accept. Making your dreams come true comes from your dedication and effort and from the help and support of your team.

Don’t take on every project or you will burn yourself out. You can oversee your team and delegate tasks to others to help you take a load off of your plate. It may be tough to give up control to others when there is personally so much at stake, but it’s important to find a schedule that works.

Take Breaks

Starting your own business means working a ton of hours and being on call 24 hours a day. With such a demanding schedule, it’s important to take breaks through your day. Even if you have to put a break time in your calendar schedule to make it happen, you need to make time for you.

It doesn’t take much to step away for a few minutes to regenerate. Take a walk around the office, head out for a cup of coffee or call a non-work friend just to chat for a few minutes. Breaking up your day can help you be more productive and help you manage your stress level.

Work / Life Balance

Making your career dreams come true will mean nothing in the end if you don’t have your family and friends. It’s easy to get swept up in the momentum of a new venture and forget about some of your other priorities.

Don’t make the mistake of always putting your family and friend second to your business. Make time to live your life, follow your non-career passions and share time with family and friends. Without a solid work and life balance your success can feel hollow. 


Running a business takes dedication and hard work. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the pressures of being in charge of your own success. Follow these stress busting tips to help you stay on top of your game and find the balance that you need to be successful in all areas of your life and business.