It’s easier to say “Stay Calm,” but it’s your mind that’s trembling under the breaking pressure. It’s in times like these that coffee becomes the supporting friend you can lean upon and take a momentary break to relieve your mind and body of its anxious state.
Shake off stress with a sip
You know that feeling when you’re having a bad day, but there’s one particular thing that can always cheer you up? Without a single doubt, coffee! – specifically, caffeine always saves the day. The aroma of that impeccable balance of ingredients concocted by the first-class coffee maker is enough to shake off that build-up stress.
The Caffeine present in coffee is like a medicine that stimulates your body to energize and become alert within minutes. This reaction not only helps arouse your senses but also relaxes your nervous system, making you less stressed, anxious, and tired.
Coffee affects the neurotransmitters in our brains that helps us fight off symptoms of stress. Additionally, caffeine also encourages the brain to release more dopamine into the prefrontal cortex (part of the brain that controls mood), which can potentially help combat depression and anxiety.
Regulates your body mechanism
For some of us, coffee is our savior, our lifeline and our therapist. Not only does it keep us vigilant and active during work hours, but it also helps maintain a healthy environment internally. Research has indicated that mainly black coffee assists in emulsifying body fat by releasing fatty acids in your bloodstream hence giving us stamina readily.
Another key benefit of caffeine is that it makes the pH in our belly more acidic so that fat and carbohydrates are properly digested instead of getting stored. The body experiences a rise in hormone level and blood flow after a cup of coffee, which speeds our metabolism.
A natural booster and ‘brain sharpener.’
According to the CEO of CoffeeVerdict, Caffeine is responsible for altering some reactions in our body, significantly inhibiting the hormone adenosine that in simple words, relaxes our body for further absorption. As the levels of adenosine drop, the body triggers the production of feel-good hormones like dopamine and adrenaline. It puts your system in fight-and-flight mode, making you highly aware of your surroundings and yourself.
Long-term effects of caffeine on your brain include better memory, clear mind, and in some cases, it even makes you smarter. If the brain is healthy, so is your body. All your organs function better, and your metabolism will work efficiently.
Prevents brain-related illnesses
Coffee surprisingly helps avoid old-age diseases as well as memory losses and related issues. Science has revealed that risks of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, and dementia can decrease by drinking coffee in moderate amounts. However, caffeine can have reverse and harmful effects if taken at high levels, leading to severe depression, headache, and insomnia. Get yourself a suitable coffee maker that will make just the right amount of coffee for the day.
Exercise complements coffee
Caffeine may not be an illegal drug or anything, but it still grows into an addiction, which can have adverse effects on your body as well as mentally. If you are a coffee lover like me and cannot resist it, whether it’s early morning or late night, pair it up with regular/daily workout.
How are the two connected? Well, you might have noticed that after a few hours of having coffee, you start feeling sluggish and emotional. To avoid such extreme side effects, fatigue, and obesity, make sure to do exercise at least 3-4 days a week. Working out will keep you fit as well as enhance the positive effects of coffee on your brain and metabolism.
We all need to relieve our tension and weariness by giving the brain some rest. Sleep is also vital to re-energize and healing body tissues, preparing our body for a new day. Lack of sleep can cause hallucinations, anxiety, depression, and even eating disorders.
Avoid having coffee at night so that you can at least get 6-8 hours of sleep. Most importantly, the average intake of coffee per day should be 3 cups or less. More consumption of caffeine will not only lead to sleep deprivation but also have detrimental results on your physical and mental state, especially the youth that is struggling with peer pressure and workload.
How Caffeine Can Boost Brain Function
Caffeine can enhance brain function in a short period. This reason is that caffeine contains a naturally occurring stimulant called trimethylxanthine. Caffeine is found in the seeds, leaves, or fruit of more than 60 plants, kola nuts, tea leaves, cocoa beans, and coffee are used to make beverages such as chocolate, tea, cola drinks, and coffee. Caffeine is a stimulant drug that affects the brain and enhances alertness as well, it is also known to improve your mood, and this is because the adenosine effect that makes you feel alert and more attentive.
The Verdict on Stress Management and Coffee
You can easily find a ton of research-based evidence that proves that coffee can effectively relieve the signs of stress and anxiety. However, every positive outcome has a negative aspect! If you want to make most of the benefits of coffee, you have to ensure that you don’t drink excessive amounts of coffee and limit your caffeine intake if you are regularly facing symptoms including fatigue, headache, unusual cravings, and muscular pain.
Also, note that caffeine can stay in your system for up to 8 hours, so cut off your caffeine intake at least 8 hours before you go to bed to ensure a good night’s sleep. All in all, coffee and caffeine can be your best friend until and unless you overdo the caffeine intake.