Words are powerful! They have the momentum to build or to dismantle. Words revive. They can re-store. Or they can cause one to give up, all together. It is the energy behind words, which gives them their power. All dressed in sound, tone, pitch, and texture. How words are stringed together, positioned, and placed. Their colors show the differentiation between their aura as a negative or a positive.
There are times, often many, where we will end up as our best motivator. Unable to rely on friends, colleagues, or others for support. That necessary energy rush in elevating us to a peak performance will rely on how determined we are in using words for our own benefit. Crafting words in a manner, where they provide us with our own motivational tools to push ourselves to the next level. Completing tasks. Finalizing a significant project. Pursuing a new passion. Or simply gaining a new incentive for why we get up out of bed in the morning.
Once of the most challenging times of using words is when we are at our lowest point. Sure! Its easy to speak success into fruition when we are on a steady climb up the ladder. Its easy to proclaim goodness and happiness when we are feeling that way. Yet, how do we find that same aura when we are lacking the energy, and inspiration, of making that first step? Lacking in energy. Having low self-esteem. Giving up after having tried for so many times.
The best way to use our word power, even during times when uninspired to do so, is to just. . .say them. Speak them out loud. Think them quietly. Even when we don’t mean them. Even if we find hopelessness by acknowledging them. Say them,anyway! Why, may you ask? Well, its because acknowledgement nurtures and ignores the very energy, which gives them life. It really does. And, don’t just say it once. Say it repetitively, consistently. Repeat words, phrases, or statements of encouragement. State them until you feel their very energy send chills and electricity through your body. The more you feel that energy, the more you should proclaim the words. Continue to repeat those words until you find yourself delving into work, or placing the final touches on a developing project. Proclaim them boisterously until you feel the creative life within you elevate your Spirit.
One of the powerful things about practicing words for boosting our own self-esteem and motivation is that it gives us a sense of independence and accountability. It is our independence which liberates us. We cannot rely on others for positive energy. We cannot rely on others for the basis of our self-esteem. Furthermore, we cannot blame others for our shortcomings or lack of success. One of the phenomenal things about words is that they are free. Oratory is free. Vocality is free. We do not have to pay to use them. Not those coming from our own lips and Spirits. Its one of the greatest blessings of our species. So, in order to empower our very Being , use them. And use them, freely.
Another important lesson in how we use words is that they highlight their impact on others. How we use words determines how others respond to us. Not only their response, but their perception to the quality of our humanity. Is our personhood filled with enriched energy? Energy which makes others feel good, beautiful, and valuable when they enter into our energy field. Interesting enough, the kind of people who enter into our energy fields, is a reflection into how we cherish, protect, or vocalize our words. Do we even vocalize them at all? If it is more of the latter, why do we deny ourselves the pleasure and healing factor of using our own words? And, using them for our own benefit. Saving a portion of our words for our healing. And, those times when we need the motivation to just. . .get up!
Its not going to be easy when we begin; especially, for those of us not used to speaking words, until we feel their energy. There will be struggles. There will be times of doubt. There will be those moments of wanting to run to friends and loved ones to get us out of our motivational rut. Fortunately, there will be times when they will not be there. Yes! Fortunately! Which means you will be unable to use them as a crutch. In a terse amount of words, you will be FORCED to push yourself. How does that sound?
Practice the words to perform into the energy. Repeat the words to pattern your success!