Around our house, we spend Sundays preparing for the week. If for whatever reason our schedule is thrown off because we’ve been out of town or just super busy and aren’t able to knock out most of these Sunday rituals, I can totally tell later throughout the week when I feel like everything is a disorganized mess.
I personally love Sundays and the idea of getting everything prepared to have an amazing week and thought I would share with you some of the things we do around our house to get us ready to go for the week ahead.
Only making one trip to the store every week not only saves you time, but it also saves you money. I don’t know about you but I always throw in a few items that weren’t on my list while shopping. One trip a week keeps me from spending extra money that I don’t have the budget for.
In a dream world, I would love to be the girl who does a load every morning and night. But the truth is that never happens. I try my hardest to designate Sundays to knock out as much of the laundry as I can. It’s easy to tell if I’ve skipped a Sunday. The mountain of laundry that ends up on our closet floor is atrocious. I like to start this off as early as possible by throwing in a load before we head off to church and then swapping it over when we get back.
If you’re a pet family like us, you likely need to be doing this daily. If you’re grubs like us, it happens more like once a week on Sundays. I love starting out the week with clean floors free of tumbleweeds of dog hair. While it doesn’t last too long I love the short amount of time I get to enjoy it.
On average, most experts recommend weekly washings. If you’re noticing that your face is breaking out on the side you sleep on, you might want to consider washing your pillowcase once or twice a week. There is nothing that makes me feel more excited about the week ahead than getting into fresh clean sheets every Sunday night.
This is something I love doing the night before any workday but especially on Sunday. Getting to enjoy your Monday morning and not feel pressed for time, running around getting lunches ready to go is a huge relief. Make margin in your mornings to get to sit down, enjoy your cup of coffee and feel like you’re in control of your day instead of your day control you.
Everyone’s rest looks different. For some, rest looks like taking a yoga class. For others, it may look like playing a game with their family. Starting off your week feeling well-rested instead of burnt out is sure to keep your momentum strong all week long.
Open your calendar and see what’s coming up. There’s nothing worse than when you realize the night before a project is due that you haven’t even started it! Take a peek at what’s coming up this week, and you will know what you need to be prepared for.
Sit down and go over what your goals were last week. How did you come up? Did you miss the mark? Where are you smashing it? How can you pivot things this week to get you closer to your goals?
Mondays are known for being a drag, but they don’t have to be – especially if you’re incorporating these Sunday rituals to get you ready for the week.