By Joanna Mazewski 

When it comes to learning the ropes of motherhood, there’s no doubt that everyone learns in their own different ways. But according to a new survey, it takes approximately three months to settle in and get the hang of motherhood. As a matter of fact, many moms feel the most comfortable after they’ve passed their 90-day mark with their new bundle of joy, and here’s why.

Many new moms will admit that motherhood isn’t the easiest job in the world. Learning how to breastfeed, adjusting to your baby’s schedule, and of course all of those sleepless nights makes it all the more difficult. But according to a new survey, it does get better – and not worse – with a little time.

The New York Post reports that about 53 percent of new moms say they feel best once they’ve reached their three-month mark as moms. A new study followed 2,000 moms and examined their confidence levels and how they transitioned from expectant mothers to new parents.

A good number of the moms admitted that they don’t actually remember most of what happened during their first three months as a new parent. That’s because they were feeling so overwhelmed, stressed, and most of all, sleep deprived. But luckily, things do get better. As a new baby settles in to his or her schedule, moms and dads feel less stressed and better rested when they don’t have to continuously wake up in the middle of the night.

With that being said though, new parents still have a lot that are on their mind. About 33 percent admitted that they now worried more than ever about their financial situations and supporting their new family. Another 62 percent said that they were also surprised by the amount of time it took for them to get the hang of motherhood.

The biggest worry that moms have though, is whether or not their child gets sick. Many new moms also don’t know how much they should feed their child and worry if they might be feeding their baby too little or too much in one sitting.

Luckily, by the time they master their new routine and the dust begins to settle, moms tend to feel more confident about their newly acquired roles. That is, until it’s time to make decisions about what pre-school they should enroll or better yet, picking out a good college or state university.

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