Henry David Thoreau once said “Humility like darkness reveals the heavenly lights”. His best works were written when he was humble. But, he was not living in a shack his whole life, but, only a few years. The rest of his life he thrived. I always tried to be humble like HDT. I believe I could have been rich and famous if not for HDT. But, now I’m over the hill, I’m looking at a retirement plan or lack there of.

Some people inherited their money, some worked there butts off and some got lucky. It is very difficult to switch from a humble land surveyor making a descent living to someone trying to thrive. Not even thrive so much, but, just enough to make a comfortable retirement.

It may be too late to go back and finish college; plus that would cost a great deal and I am overly frugal. So, that will make it difficult to change professions. The new way to thrive is to get something #posted on the internet. My own website (iisheada.com) has failed to bring an agent to help me get off the ground. My ideas include paintings, stories, songs, phone apps, inventions, solutions to climatic change and houses so cheap it would house all those in concentration camps around the world trying to survive.

My retirement plan could be nullified if the 1% have their way to make the rich get richer and the poor more poorer. The 1% is thriving more than ever. They are the new royalty. Except they are fighting each to see who can make the most money. When they should be fighting to be the most generous.

To thrive or survive, that is the question. 


  • "Dan-Shea"

    Philosophical artist

    Born in Chicago and raised in Memphis and Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin. My parents divorced right after I was born (I don't know why) so they shared me. I moved to Northern Virginia after serving in the Navy in Norfolk. I fell in love with the most beautiful girl, married her and still with her today (12-3-17). After land surveying the last thirty years I'm ready to do some writing. [email protected] comments only