A common name, Suzannah Dacre, kept appearing online when people were asking for help in really tough times – whether job hunting, needing a home urgently, or wanting to improve themselves, or their business – so we tracked her down to see what all the fuss was about.
And when we say fuss, here’s what we saw:
- Suzannah Dacre took a bankrupt business to project $27mil monthly revenue, in less than six months.
- She has provided multiple, if not hundreds of people, who have found themselves homeless, or jobless – with homes, and jobs.
- She in real estate and financial investment, with figures that defy the odds.
- She in award recognised health and beauty, which also has a positive impact on the community.
Who is this Suzannah Dacre, and what is she about?
As a commercial strategist, she conducts insight projects, to test the market, keeps a close eye on the economy and trends, and ultimately plans the future of her clients and businesses – managing shortcuts and blind spots.
Rewind to January 2020, Ms. Dacre featured in Anthill Online, regarding the economy, and predicted a retail apocalypse – and well, the first day of an open for business Melbourne yesterday, that prediction came true.
You can read Suzannah’s January 2020 article here: Our business economy is in danger!
But no matter the challenges, after all, she is a fearless and compassionate leader, and was raised in a war-torn country, in global business – Suzannah Dacre says, there is always a silver lining – and opportunity in difficult situations – and all it takes is an opportunity, and action.
Most clients have never understood why Suzannah’s team at ULTISpro test for mass failure, until now – they don’t leave any potential situation or opportunity untouched, they want to be prepared – and with this, those prepared to face the challenge, have thrived, and those who’ve remained complacent – have suffered – during 2020, and what we know, of the year of Covid-19.
Suzannah Dacre has also been the victim of hate media, much like Premier Daniel Andrews in Victoria, and Donald Trump of America, face daily – and reminds people to get some perspective, and be accountable for themselves.
“Often what you see online, is the complete and total opposite to reality – and people need to lead with kindness – it makes no sense they’re crying over mental health due to Covid, yet calling names and encouraging depression and suicide through their behavior towards the Premier,” – Ms. Dacre says – referring to the hate levels on social media, and the vote of no confidence that followed in parliament, which grossly failed – because the real world, is usually more evidence-based than online noise designed to mislead simple souls not wise enough to think for themselves.
Back to the retail apocalypse, Suzannah Dacre says businesses should have been prepared – “there was plenty of warning on a global level, as the aim of a business is not to be complacent – and those who’ve been proactive, and relevant to their consumer, will thrive through difficult times.”
“Covid-19 has plenty of opportunities, and plenty of silver linings, first off being work from home, before this, it was the minority offering flexible workspaces, that’s changed … but I also think an economic cleanse was much needed – some people needed the wakeup call in business – and each market and industry will have a shakeup, for the better – in the long run.”
Ms. Suzannah Dacre, when asked about restaurants and gyms, agreed that restrictions seemed very unbalanced, but there was an opportunity to be had, by pivoting, and innovating.
“I have a health and beauty business – I’m directly impacted – and yes, it’s odd the restrictions, but during this time, much like an election, there is so much opportunity to be had to campaign online, reviewing current structures, evaluating the future – not just for the business – but for the individual, it might just be the perfect time for a change.”
When asked about what change came for her, Ms. Dacre said pre-covid, she was only dedicated to the results of her clients – and cared more for their results than what they did for their own business, leading to burnout – and despite two big earning businesses of hers coming to a grinding halt for eight months, Ms. Dacre is grateful, for the time to reflect, on what she wants in life, and what is really important.
“People are so caught up in the hate game – I have no hate, even my loyal trolls online, I wish them every success in life – and I respect anyone who turns up and tries their best, including Trump and Andrews, who have both been consistent in their dedication to their communities”.
We asked Ms. Suzannah Dacre, what she thinks other people could learn from her, she replied – “diversity, and optimization – in order to grow, you must be open to change – we offer help in a range of investments, our financial and performance investments have outperformed during Covid, our properties providing consistent support – whilst our physical businesses are unable to operate. We’ve been successful in gaining new growth and opportunity for both our people and business clients, but that’s probably because we’ve been through the challenges before, and are well prepared through experience”.
A female leader that dominates in the male-dominant environments in a small and large business, Ms. Suzannah Dacre proves that nothing is impossible with the right attitude in life – with the people we’ve spoken to about her, calling her an angel for good, the light and fresh air they’ve needed to turn their life around, who has the head for commercial, and the heart of a not for profit.