Did you ever ponder the value of A KEY? A key is critical to unlocking a door of a house, car, safety deposit box, or treasure chest, but finding the key to unlock the secret to navigating through this new way of life is vital.
The acronym of the word T.H.I.N.K. is the key which focuses on Positive Mindset. Your perspective, attitude, and actions during this crucial time of survival are shaping and defining you, either in a positive or negative way. It is your choice!
Consider embracing the meaning behind T.H.I.N.K., focusing on the five ways of intentional thinking, as you pivot, developing new ways to thrive.
“T” for… Train your Brain
Everything you say and do begins with your thought life. Your brain is powerful beyond measure. And your thoughts, dictate how you feel and behave. It is scientifically proven you can train and rewire your brain to THINK differently. You are in the driver’s seat and you HAVE the key! Where the mind goes, the man or woman follows!
Your thoughts are like a HUGE magnet and attract more of what you are thinking about! Thoughts determine your words, impact your actions, create your habits, develop into your character, and ultimately impact your destiny.
Training your brain to THINK differently can physically change your brain, to think, act and be the best you can be!
“H” for…Hone your Habits
Habits are key in creating your success. Habits are key in creating success. My mom used to say: “Your habits will make you or break you!” So true! Starting each day with effective habits is the secret sauce of success. Consider this, setting habits even begins before going to sleep. This catchy acronym, L.I.F.O. stands for, LAST IN – FIRST OUT! Your thoughts and habits at night, before you lay your pretty head upon your pillow, will impact your sleep, as well as your first thoughts of the day.
One of my favorite quotes regarding Habits is from Jim Rohn: “Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”
“I” for… Inspect your Intention
Intention is defined as an anticipated outcome which guides your planned actions. It’s your aim, design or purpose. Intention is the heart of creating authentic power.
Success or failure is proportionate to intention. If your intention is love, you will be more successful in any situation or undertaking, no matter what it is. This is because there is an invisible force, a vibration, a higher power. For me, it’s God. And the source, which carries your intention, will come across.
I am so passionate about the power of “I AM” and affirmations. These 2 little words are so powerful, and what comes after them sets your intention. It helps you to FOCUS on who you are in the moment, to recognize and live your values, and to raise your emotional energy, which in turn raises your physical energy. Setting daily intentions, is like a roadmap for how to live out each day, with purpose, inspiration and motivation.
“N” for... Negate the Negatives
With this topic, I believe it is important to remember this: What we focus on, grows. You can recognize the ‘negatives’, yet do not spend time dwelling on them. Negating the Negatives translates into Pursuing the Positives. Focus more on the positives, because what you think about, you bring about.
Try using the RID formula when it comes to your thought: Recognize, Inspect, Delete! Is this thought moving you towards your goal, and serving others; if YES, great – proceed! If not, press the Delete button and get RID of it.
Lastly, monitor what you are listening to on television. In order to Negate the Negatives, take an inventory and be more intentional to choose wisely.
“K” for… Know your WHY
Have you ever wondered why some people and or companies, have huge success and yet others do not? What is the core reason?
Most people work from the outside-in since it is clear and easy. Where Dynamic Leaders & Companies, work from the Inside-Out, they begin with their WHY!
What is your WHY? What is the one driving force, which keeps you going, even when times get tough? Knowing Your WHY is your motivation and driving force for waking up. It is your purpose, your passion and your unique design.
In closing, during these changing and uncertain times, I invite you to T.H.I.N.K. on Purpose and incorporate the above thought patterns. You will begin to see how your intentions, and attention, shifts for the greater good!
Angela Jo Manieri is Director of I AM Center Stage. She is a Transformational Keynote Speaker, Presentation Stylist, Trainer and Author, helping people purposefully live from the inside-out, to achieve their greatest potential. She can be reached through www.speakingofsuccesslive.com or [email protected]
Submitted: Speaking of Success, Inc.
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