“I would encourage everyone in this industry to hire an assistant before they can afford one” With Richard Myerson and Matt Schmidt
“No matter your expertise, there is always more to know. ” With Adam Hyers & Matt Schmidt
“You have to switch off sometimes” With Lee Rhodes and Matt Schmidt
“You literally have to become the book” to write a bestseller, an interview with authors Sara Connell & Nevsah Fidan Karamehmet
To write a bestseller, “make it personal,” an interview with authors Sara Connell & Mike Schultz
To become a bestselling author, “let go of perfection and just write,” an interview with authors Sara Connell & Tom Scarda
Masters of The Turnaround: “Understand it’s not just you” With Jason Crowley & Jess Ekstrom
“You have an air of credibility” when you write a bestselling book, an interview with authors Sara Connell & Jaclyn DiGregorio
To write a bestseller, “surrender to faith,” an interview with authors Sara Connell & Ally Nathaniel
“You have to tell a captivating story” to write a bestselling book, an interview with authors Sara Connell & Mark Stevens
“To write a bestselling book don’t wait for other people to validate you”, with authors Sara Connell & Cayla Craft