michael giannulis

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the importance of mental health and wellness for overall health. It is quite right that the present conditions all around the world have crumbled the resilience en-masse. It has negatively impacted our health, mind, and even economies. However, according to entrepreneurial genius Mike Giannulis, we need to take care of your mental health and wellness to better grip the present situation.

Here are some of the best tips that will allow you to take care of your mental health and wellness through this complicated COVID-19 pandemic.

Always manage your expectations – Michael Giannulis,

Keep in mind that quarantine is nothing like a writer’s retreat. There is nothing glamorous about it. You need to start with a schedule and follow the same every day of the lockdown. This routine is the only thing that will circumvent the feelings of boredom from your life. Keep in mind that expectations of any kind, in these times, should be smaller than usual. Understand that difficulty in concentration and low motivation are all signs of the times, and therefore you need to go easy on yourself and cut yourself some slack.

Manage your stress threshold

Every human being can tolerate physical and mental stress till a breaking point. Keep in mind that the breaking point is not the same for everyone. Therefore, it is crucial to understand your threshold limit and work within it at all times. Always prioritize your sleep and rest, exercise to reduce stress, and eat healthy for a perfectly balanced diet. These are all steps to declutter your life and manage your stress threshold.

Understanding the red flags

There are ways to understand you are operating under stress. These critical thoughts and physical sensations are something you should always watch out for. Look out for feelings like “not-being-able-to concentrate,” nervousness, anxiety, jitters, and negative emotional spirals. Additionally, you need to actively search for the triggers that bring about these feelings and avoid them as much as possible. The better you get at identifying the red flags, the better it is for your physical and mental wellbeing.

Use routine to your advantage

Routine is a friend that allows you to manage anxiety and helps with a quick adaptation to the present reality. Make sure you are allotting periods for work and non-work chores. It will create a distinction between your workspace and headspace. Do your office work and related stuff during work hours and follow the news or exercise during your free time, and a routine will help you arrange and schedule your life through the pandemic.

Compassion to yourself and others

As far as the pandemic is concerned, there is nothing much we can do except stay away from crowds to do our bit to stop a community spread. Keep in mind that most of us are on tenterhooks and nervous. This is the time to treat yourself and others with kindness and compassion. We are all in the same boat trying to survive, and therefore we might as well try to be our “best self” at all times.

When it comes to wellness, it is vital to remember that overall health is critical for the best quality of life. Keep in mind our tips to overcome the challenges of the times.
