A year ago this week, my life changed in a moment of diagnosis. Suddenly smacked in the face with a new normal of a cancer diagnosis demanding perseverance, grit, proactivity, curiosity and optimism.
These are the exact same demands on all of us right now in under the current pandemic.
In times of stress, we tend to focus on the wrong questions. The ones that feed the beast. The ones we’ll never have the answer to: ‘when will this end? …. ‘ What if this….’ ‘What it that…’ Instead, get proactive and create your own perspective shifts by asking yourself….
- What is my role in the world right now?
- What can I be doing today to make it a better day?
- What can I do today to feel great about tonight?
- What pillars of support can I lean on to help lift me up?
STOP waiting for this to be over.
Stop standing still until something happens.
Stop putting your life on hold.
The future is brightest for those whose mindset is not rooted in survival mode but for those in reinvention mode.
- Reinvent working from home for yourself and others.
- Reinvent your job and what you put forward in pursuit of excellence, influence and delivering value.
- Reinvent leadership across all levels of the organization, your community and your family.
Be the giver. The go-to-gal.
Givers live in abundance not scarcity.
Givers get so much more back in return.
This is a time of opportunity. Companies like Uber, Pinterest, Venmo were launched in times of economic crisis. And for all of those mid-life opportunists, Martha Stewart launched her magazine when she was 46. If you watch Shark Tank, you know that many stay-at-home moms invented solutions in personal moments of crisis and became successful business leaders.
Yes, you can do this right now.
If you think reinvention is too big, too much, too difficult, then rephrase it with a word that’s more personally inspiring. Turn, pivot, redirect, ‘my new thing’ are all words driven to lead you forward towards success.
Remember what we THINK fuels your FEELINGS which moves us to action and drives results. Language – the words we tell ourselves – is the difference between feeling positive or negative. Optimism — what we need right now — starts with how we talk to ourselves.
Focus on what you can. What you can control in this very moment on this Sunday. Live fully in the moment today. Fully and full of perseverance, grit, proactivity, curiosity and OPTIMISM.