Caring for your parents

Living away from your parents as they age is difficult. Unable to help them on a day to day basis can cause feelings of guilt, frustration and sadness.

Our parents were there for us when we needed them most, and now it’s our turn to give back. But life isn’t that simple. For many good reasons, you may live in another city from your parents, and that’s OK.

The good news is, there are many new innovations that make it a lot easier to take care of your parents, without you having to be physically present.

Here are just a few new and exciting ways you can help your parents thrive, while being remote.

Stay in Touch

Remember the days when making a long distance phone call was a big deal? No more excuses. Whether your using text, Messenger, Facetime, WhatsApp, Skype or Google Duo, it’s easier and cheaper than ever to stay in touch with your parents.

Loneliness and isolation are key contributors to senior depression and physical decline. Call your parents daily. Have the grand children call to wish them good night. If they live alone, make it a video call so you can see how they’re doing – do they look healthy, happy, groomed, well dressed, etc? Do you notice any change in their behavior, speech, mood or weight? Ask if they need anything.

Smarten Up Their Home

As our parents age in their own homes, routine tasks can become more difficult with cognitive and physical decline.

One way to help make your parents daily life easier is to make their home smarter. Through voice activated technologies like Amazon Alexa, your parents can turn their lights on and off, without having to get up. You can select and play their favorite music from your phone. They can turn their TV on and off, get the weather and unlock the front door all by voice command!

Make Them Safer

Creating a safe home environment will give both you and your parents peace of mind.

To this end, you can get your parents a home security system, a video doorbell and a GPS based mobile medical alert system with fall detection. You’ll know who’s coming and going from their home, protect them from bad actors and get them help in the event of a fall or medical emergency.

If your parents have lots of people coming in and out of their home, like caregivers, therapists, doormen or cleaning ladies you can also install a nanny cam in a conspicuous location, so everyone knows they’re being supervised and recorded.

Home Delivery

Whereas in the past, if your parents had mobility issues you’d have to do their shopping for them, nowadays you can arrange for anything and everything to be ordered and delivered right to their front door, no matter where you are in the world.

Whether it’s groceries, prescription refills, cleaning supplies, household items, or laundry service, there’s virtually nothing that can’t be delivered to your parents door. In fact, you can even treat your parents to their favorite take-out with Uber eats once in a while!