The old style of working has been thoroughly replaced with the millennials entering the workforce and turning the whole system of how jobs were being done till date. The baby boomers and Generation X have changed the way business or work takes place and going forward we can only wonder how Talents will be recruited in a more efficient and long-lasting manner.
With the advent of Technology that the millennials use, lucky for us, their own generation has brought out Applicant Tracking System that helps recruiters and head-hunters in their effort to hire talented individuals.
There are some factors that we should go through before we actually work on a plan of action for Talent Hunting for the new generation
Rapid Switching
Most of the millennial generation and emphasizing on the second half of it has known the internet, right with early ages. They know how the world has been functioning and rapidly changing because they had easy access to the internet. They are also the ones who know how jobs and job markets behave (considering many of them must have started early) and keep an eye on the ever-fluctuating market situation.
That is one of the reasons that millennials are constantly looking out for the next opportunity. You can say that they are never really quite settling down for one because they are always on the lookout for the next one. It is a challenge for recruiters to have proper and stable communication with them and also to convince for a satiating offer so that they just don’t hop away on to the next one. We should be thankful to Applicant Tracking System that keeps a check on Talent Acquisition. Managing the talent-pool was never so challenging as it has become now.
Consistent Conversation
As said earlier, the internet and the millennials are the Siamese siblings we are talking about. If this was the case, say fifteen years or so ago, you could have had finite conversations after the recruitment and then ended the chain yet. With the advent of so many chatting software and applications on the mobile, there are never permanent goodbyes after a discussion is done. There may be chances for short pauses, long pauses or even longer than that; but there is no way of saying a bye.
And that is a challenge. A formal course of communications has so been thrown out of the window. Millennials depend upon more of the personal touch of work. If your pause has been extremely long and there hasn’t been an informal or personal touch to the whole conversation, there is a strong chance that the millennials will take the first step and hop away; looking for a new job without your help.
Experiences and Reviews
It is the same fundamental like shopping or eating out at a restaurant: value for money and in this case the effort. What with everything available on the internet, potential candidates are looking out for reviews and discussion panels. If the review of the talent recruiting company is not as per their expectations or that the company doesn’t have great reviews, head-hunters are going to face a problem trying to bring in new talent into the pool.
The new generation has got websites and open discussion platforms wherein they talk and with others and share their experiences. Of course, though it is a good habit; for talent acquisitions, this becomes one more milestone to cross. They need to maintain certain yardsticks and measurements to measure Talent satisfaction level.
Mind over Money
It is not just about the job – it is about having satisfaction doing that. Millennials have watched and learned from others in the previous generation the importance of doing what you love and not slogging away doing mundane jobs or doing them for the sake of it. A larger portion of the new generation is looking at getting jobs or starting their own venture to do things that they feel more passionate about.
Of late we can see more articles and news in the media regarding millennials who have left their top jobs to become authors or organic farmers or running NGOs. Jobs with which they can connect and associate their passion is what the upcoming generation is looking for. For talent recruiters, this has become a problem because more millennials have dropped great offers from multinational companies just because they are not passionate about the profile that has been offered to them. Long story short – money has lost its initial worth in the new world.
In short:
Let us summarize what Talent Recruiters need to keep in mind. Millennials do:
- Job hopping frequently
- Need to be in a personalized conversation
- Check reviews and share experiences
- Prefer jobs they are passionate about than the money
Author bio:
Aniruddh is Blogger and Software Analyst at SoftwareSuggest. Loves to dig deep into various recruiting software, Project management software and ERP Software. Ready to grab a cup of coffee anytime, if you want to talk about tech, cars, businesses or cricket.