“Tales From A Unicorn Mind” is my effort to make sense of the nonsensical and an opportunity to focus on what is important for physical, mental and social health and well-being.
This is therapy for me. I use this as a tool to answer personal questions for myself. I also offer answers to anyone else that has questions. Basically, I am a resource. Reach out to me. Pick my brain. Ask me questions. Let’s engage in dialogue. We need to prompt new thoughts, develop resources and answer questions to learn and grow. We need to develop this dialogue for the greater good of understanding and personal development.
Who Am I?
I am a Registered Nurse first. Nurses are a unique breed of human. Nurses are focused on health of individuals, families and communities. We see people on the best and worst days of their lives. We cradle babies, hug new parents and put bandaids on wounds. We also see traumatic injuries, catastrophic conditions and some of the worst demonstrations of humanity. But, much like law enforcement and fire personnel, we usually don’t talk about most of it. Mainly because very few people understand it. This writing is a clinical approach and another resource in my personal and professional toolkit.
What Am I?
I have been a nurse for over half my life. I raised in a solid multigenerational household. I was called to clinical duties at a young age. It did not matter if I was caring for humans, canines, felines rabbits, birds or rodents. I was always a caregiver. My formative years reinforced that. I was never a particularly passionate student, but I was engaged in my family and my community throughout childhood and adolescence.
Like most adolescent females, there were emotions, turmoil and, dare I say, mild rebellion, but I was steadfast in my values and beliefs. I played sports and developed solid friendships based on mutual interests and laughter. We socialized. We talked. We engaged. I stayed active and looked forward to whatever the future involved.
College was, and still is, a transition into adulthood. I write this next part as a parent, counting down to phase one of the “empty nest”. I am preparing to send my own offspring into a daunting new world of higher education. Many thoughts enter my every wandering mind. Right now, my mind is juggling the current status of life as we know it. I am unsure what the future looks like.
My mind usually has multiple tabs open at one sitting. Like most moms, I am a master multi-tasker. I consistently seek out challenges and new learning opportunities for myself and my children. I can honestly say that the pandemic his highlighted many positives for me. It has also clarified the role each of us faces in redeveloping communities and ourselves.
My personal highlights started when I realized my children are turning into really great humans. It makes me proud to see their bright light during these questionable times. Knowing I am doing something so right, enhances my ongoing personal and professional endeavors.
Future Musings
I am dedicated to making the world a better place for patients, families and the next generation but I cannot do it alone. I need my family, friends and community to step up and be part of the solution.
My path is not clearly defined on what the next steps look like, but voice projects. I have a visceral response telling me it is big. This unicorn mind is following a path that was planned long before 2020. I will continue following my passion and invite you all on this journey. Until next time….
DrKTurk is a unicorn in the healthcare field. She encourages everyone to reach out as new followers on this journey. She is an accomplished health practitioner, educator and advocate that is dedicated to quality healthcare and clinical expertise. Follow Turkington Medical online or at LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.