They say that the truth hurts. Yet, a lie can hurt much more! There is an emptiness when it comes to lies. The energy is toxic. It is lifeless. What does it say about one’s sensory?
Lying has a way of draining our very Spirit. For some sensorical reason, it feels painful when we have been lied to. In fact, a part of our Soul goes with us. Literally, it feels like someone has soaked a certain life from us. The energy feels depleted. Slowly and surely, the lies weaken us more, and more. What are we to do? Well, some people stay, as others, walk away!
Now, for those of the former, the lies continue, to soak. They seep out the liveliness (and richness) of a person’s enriching essence. Have you ever felt your energy gone into depletion, because someone lied to you? Have you ever felt one’s Spirit be dwindle simply because someone has sent you false energy? Some may equate it to being eaten alive! Spiritually, a person feels sunken. Lies eat at the Soul. So, when deciding to stay next to a person, who espouses lies, remember the refreshes of our very tears. Remember nature’s healing ointment, and how we are granted the power to purge the pain. Shall we purge into another song?
It’s an Old Skool jam. And, it’s entitled, “You Keep Me Crying, With Your Lying.” Come to think of it, you have to ponder upon the insanity of it all. Why would you permit a person to drain your energy if you truly value yourself? Why? Well, perhaps, such is the true sickness. Why would a person stay close to a person, who perpetuates lies? Could it mean that a person does not truly value the self? Maybe. Just maybe. For, if a person is a seeker of truth, they will want to feel nourished with fellow, truth seekers. It’s just that simple. In addition, it is a way of self care. When a person has love for the self, the most holistic of people will surround one’s atmosphere. It’s inevitable.
So many times, we end up bringing toxic auras through our very core. Many times, we do it without even realizing it. My goodness, how painful such may be! Slowly, we are killing ourselves. What’s even more discomforting is that it moves us into another trend. It is a practice of being comfortable with pain. Some people have become so comfortable with pain, that they truly feel it is normal. That’s the sad part of it. Therefore, when it comes to being awakened to being trapped in that sickness, how does one transform into a higher frequency level? How does one move into a place of restoration? Ok. Now, we are getting somewhere.
When it comes to overcoming the pain, a person has the power of moving into a greater height. The first step is understanding how one is not deserving of such heartache. It’s time to pit truth-telling back into a state of normalcy. Oh, yes! It’s time! What does it mean to re-birth oneself into a more healing phase? That’s a personal journey one must migrate through. Nevertheless, the very first step is, recognition. It’s that light bulb, which goes off in your head, once you have decided to aim higher, and seek better!
Pain doesn’t have to be permanent. In fact, there is a slow and steady transition. It takes time to comprehend one’s emotions; especially, the journey one has gone through in order to process this level of abuse. Maybe that’s the tedious journey a person must grapple, with! Yet, when it’s all said and done, there are lessons to be learned. Self love is key! Self love is about distancing oneself from toxic vibes! So that next time when you cry tears, make sure they are tears of, joy!
Donnie Elbert