We all have one. That special corner, table, or chair in the library that we like to think of as ours. Libraries may be spaces we share in common, but it’s natural to lay claim to our own little piece of them, right? And that corner becomes more special when you share it with your favourite person!
It was couple of months ago…
She sat on the corner most table of the library. A book, not much thick, lay in front of her. She had spent nearly an hour flipping through the pages of the book. Well, she was not much of a reader, but this time her lack of focus was due to something else. Her eyes were continuously in search of someone… someone special. She looked all around but she found her ‘special someone’ nowhere.
Suddenly the door bunged behind her. A tall, young man, with black hair, bright brown eyes, strong jaw and well-trimmed beard, entered the room. She glanced through her side window and saw him. Instantly her face lit up- eyes were full of sparkle and cheeks had started to grow red. She could hear his footsteps approaching to her side of the library, and with every step becoming more clear, her heart was pounding faster and harder. As he came near her table, she immediately looked into her book. She didn’t want him to know she liked him, although it was quite evident with her continuous smiling and changed body language. Completely unaware of her feelings, the young man didn’t notice all this. He grabbed the latest issue of the sports magazine and got seated on the table next to hers. Time passed with her secretly admiring him, noticing his each and every detail- from what he is wearing, to how he is sitting, to what he is reading…
This went on for a few weeks. After many sleepless nights of wondering whether he liked her or not, she couldn’t wait any longer and decided to ask him out. He was curious about her by this time, and with this, she intrigued him. He instantly fell in love with her will and she was already fond of his charming personality and gentle nature. She took a chance and won their love.
This is just one romantic love story. Every individual experiences love in their own unique way. It happens on its own time, bringing two like minds together. But love hits the hardest when you are least expecting it. You aren’t looking for anything at all when you meet this person. You haven’t actually planned to fall for anyone at that very moment. But then you meet this person and that’s just it. You find things to be falling in their places and, yourself to be slowly wanting to spend time with this person. It is simple. It is easy.
And you know what… that’s how best relationships begin. You begin to understand what love really is. How this four-letter word is not just a word ‘Love’, but it’s a mixed feeling of joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self growth. And most importantly, it is about trust, respect and understanding each other. To have the comfort that you talk about anything and everything with your special one, is what makes the foundation of your relationship stronger.