
Six of my peers answer these questions below and talk about their reading habits. Plus, they tell us what they’re reading now and what are the books they always recommend. If you’re looking for some titles to add to your own reading list, you’re in the right place.

“How much I read depends on how busy I am at work.”

book recommendations

Olga Mykhoparkina, Chief Marketing Officer at Better Proposals

“I love reading and wish I had more time for it. With so much information we consume online, it’s important to make time to curl up on a couch with an actual printed book. That helps me unwind much more than reading on a screen.

How much I read depends on how busy I am at work. When I’m off work, I have a family to spend time with, so the only reading time I get is at night when my son is asleep. When the story is exceptionally compelling, it can keep me flipping the pages until sunrise. I don’t set any specific goals to reading – such as 100 books a year – because I want it to be a pleasure, not an obligation.

You’d often find me reading novels, fiction, as well as self-help books. Also, I’m looking forward to getting more into philosophy and history when I’m on vacation this summer. You need a different state of mind (off-work) to consume that kind of content.

Currently reading: “F**k It: Do What You Love” by John C. Parkin and “The Four Steps to the Epiphany” by Steve Blank.

A book she can’t stop recommending: “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand as it reflects my way of thinking and approaching changes. Although it’s one of the most controversial books of the century, I found it incredibly appealing.

“Shogun made me want to go to Japan on a long vacation.”

reading books

Cezar Mitrenca, Customer Support Team Leader at ZeroBounce

Books really help me relax. Whenever I go on vacation, I have a book with me and read while on planes, buses or trains. My girlfriend likes to go to the beach and I always take a book with me and enjoy the sea breeze and the sun.

When I was in high school and college, I was quite a reader. Now I read about three to four books a year; I don’t have as much time anymore.

As a kid, I liked historical and war stories – I read almost all of Sven Hassel’s books. I remember when my dad put “Monte Cassino” in my hands one day and it became one of my favorite books.

Now I enjoy all genres, from science fiction to books based on true stories, from horror to practical books. Also, I read scientific books and when I go out with my friends, we discuss science and recent discoveries. And I really love Russian authors like Dostoevsky and Tolstoy.

Currently reading: I just finished a short book that I really liked: “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” by Robert Louis Stevenson. Now I’m in a dilemma of what I should pick next – “Metro 2033” by Dmitry Glukhovsky or H.P Lovecraft’s Complete Fiction. I bought a copy of “The Complete Fiction” (Barnes & Noble Collectible Edition) and I was very proud when it arrived.  

A book he can’t stop recommending: “Shogun.” It’s so well-written and Clavell did a great job immersing the reader in the Japanese setting and customs. This book made me want to go to Japan on a long vacation. Other books I always recommend are “The Brothers Karamazov” by Dostoevsky and Dante’s “Divine Comedy.” 

“Reading helps me hone my writing skills.”

must read books

Chanteuse Marie, email conversion copywriter

“Reading, while a relaxing activity, is more educational than recreational for an aspiring novelist like me. It helps me hone my writing skills.

My current reading goal is two books a month. So I try to read at least a chapter a day. More on the weekend. 

I like both fiction (science fiction and fantasy) and nonfiction (creative writing and biography). Sometimes I read the occasional fun female fiction.

Currently reading: “Save the Cat! Writes a Novel” by Jessica Brody. 

A book she can’t stop recommending: “Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life” by Anne Lamott and “The Forest for the Trees: An Editor’s Advice to Writers” by Betsy Lerner. 

“I read only nonfiction.”

great books

Aditya Sheth, Content Manager at Venngage

“Reading is therapeutic for me. After a long day at work, I love to come home and read some nonfiction to feel inspired, motivated or just learn something new that I could perhaps apply the next day. 

I don’t read as much as I used to back in the day, but I’m slowly incorporating audio books and detailed book summaries into my reading to still stay on top of my learning goals. I try to read one paperback a month but only something I can immediately apply in my life rather than something that’s ‘good to know’.”

Anything productivity, marketing, business, finance, inspirational or even user / behavioral psychology works for me. I read only nonfiction but plan to incorporate some fiction, too.”

Currently reading: “Atomic Habits” by James Clear. 

A book he can’t stop recommending: “Choose Yourself” by James Altucher and “The 50th Law” by Robert Greene. Both books have majorly influenced how I approach life and think about obstacles.

“My favorite kinds of books are dystopian novels.”


Leiann Celina Van Lange, Content Writer at InvoiceBerry

“It’s crazy how much reading helps me unwind. There’s something so therapeutic about escaping into a good book. It has the ability to transport me away from all my worries into mythical worlds, different eras or just a much-needed reflective quiet space.

I certainly don’t read as often as I’d like, but I average one novel every three to four months.

My favorite kinds of books are probably dystopian novels. I enjoy the way they allow me to connect with protagonists and witness their layers unfurling as they face worst-case scenarios that they somehow manage to overcome.

Currently reading: “The Little Book of Stoicism” by Jonas Salzgeber. Described as “a mix of timeless wisdom and empowering advice,” this philosophical book promises to guide anyone who is seeking a calm and wise life in this chaotic world. So far, so good!

A book she can’t stop recommending: “The Language of Flowers” by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. It’s a fantastic story of survival, love, and strength in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity. As an aspiring gardener, I especially loved how various meanings behind certain flowers were sprinkled in to add depth and feeling. It truly is a must-read. 

“I tend to gravitate toward sci-fi books.”

Josh Brown, Content Marketing Manager at Helpjuice

“How much reading helps me unwind depends on the genre and how enjoyable the book is. For example, marketing and sales books don’t really help me relax as they tend to make me think of work. On the other hand, I find it easy to get lost or fully engrossed in sci-fi books with an interesting premise, making it a great way to unwind and escape from life’s stresses.

I would say that I average one book a week.

While I tend to gravitate toward sci-fi books, I don’t know that I favor them more than other genres. Any book that I can immerse myself in, learn something new, or get a laugh from is good enough for me.

Currently reading: I’m in between two books – “Untethered: Unraveling Human Nature Through Instinct, Culture, and Reason” by Artem Koren and “Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division” by Peter Hook.

A book he can’t stop recommending: Only one? Bummer… Does “The Complete Calvin & Hobbes” count? I find that I enjoy the comic as much now, if not more, than when I was younger.