I’m going to let you in on a secret that no-ones telling you. And it’s going to change your life, like it changed mine.
*Unless you have a medical issue and it’s been prescribed by your doctor.
Why? Well I’m bloody glad you asked lady.
- Dieting creates an emotional relationship with food. Food isn’t out to get you and make you fat. It’s just energy.
- An emotional relationship with food causes guilt, feelings of failure and obsession over the foods you’ve been told are “bad”
- Labelling food as “good” and “bad” causes you to constantly think about food. Every time some “bad” food is near you, you have a mental struggle with yourself about having some.
- When you inevitably crack and “break your diet” you go nuts and eat all of it. Every last tim tam in the damn packet.
- Then you feel guilty. Like a failure. You swear to do better tomorrow.
- The cycle continues.
Intuitive Eating. This shiz is going to open up your whole world baby. Break free from the dieting trap
What is Intuitive Eating
- In a nutshell, Intuitive Eating is about re-learning how you were born to eat. Your natural hunger and satiety cues. Listening to your body.
- Society messes up these natural cues. I’m being nice. Society royally effs up your natural cues. Intuitive Eating, fixes it.
- Intuitive Eating takes practice – it took me a long time after 10+ years of being a diet pro. (Diet Pro = Tried every diet google could find me and knew the calorie count of pretty much everything)
- Intuitive Eating gives you your freedom back around food. You can eat anything and everything you want. Be your ideal healthy weight – and most importantly, never think about food negatively again.
How to eat intuitively
It’s simplified into 4 easy steps. I still use these steps today, after 5 years of being an Intuitive Eater.
- Wait until you are genuinely hungry. There is no ideal time to eat. Your body will tell you when it needs food. If you’re used to eating at a certain time, or out of habit then you might not even know what it feels like. Do yourself a favour, learn this feeling.
- Eat exactly what you want. At first this is scary AF right? You think you’re going to eat all the junk food in the world! You’re not. The funny thing is – as soon as you allow yourself to eat whatever the hell you want – with no guilt or restraint- the desire lessens.
- Sit down and eat consciously. In other words, just pay attention to what you’re eating. Don’t stuff it in so fast you’re not even tasting it. Notice how you feel as you eat it. As you’re getting full, the food stops tasting as good.
- When you’re satisfied, stop eating. Not when the plate is empty, not when you’re stuffed and have a food baby. Learn to stop eating when your body has had enough fuel.
It’s really that simple.
What will happen
- You will find this hard. You will doubt if you can do it. You can, just try again at your next meal. Just wait until you’re actually hungry first.
- You will eat junk at first. You will feel like a wild cat released from its cage, but don’t worry. You’ll get over it real quick and lose all interest in the foods that controlled you before.
- You will lose weight if your body needs to lose weight. Your body wants you to be healthy, trust it.
- You will notice your body craves healthier foods. Your body actually wants healthy food.
- You will feel free.
Handy Tips I picked up
- Obviously drink water – this is just a no brainer
- Cut down on coffee to sleep better – being tired sucks
- Eating past the point of being satisfied is pointless- Your taste buds weaken and what you’re actually tasting, is the memory of how good the food tasted when you were hungry. Crazy but true.
- Go to the shops and buy every item of junk food you try to avoid- Sit down at your table and open everything. Give yourself full permission to eat it all- slowly, one bite at a time. You’ll notice the desire for them will disappear because you have permission.
I hope you liked this super personal blog
Love Alexa x
Originally published at bossyalexa.com