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We are all entangled in a web of stories that each one of us weaves in a lifetime. These tales are unique journeys that allow us to unfurl the mysteries of life. Our quest for self-exploration leads us to different destinations on a same boat carrying us across the unending sea of time; bringing us closer in thought, binding us stronger in action.

At times we brighten up under the sun, at times we get beaten down during the crazy storm in the voyage towards eternity. And to the end we are living and breathing stories.

Own Your Story

Our stories surround us. We have more stories in us than the heart, mind or blood combined. Stories are the reflection of our souls. They are everywhere; untold and unheard of, of love & hate, of sacrifice & betrayal. There are stories that make us want to bang our chest with pride and there are tales that make us feel incomplete and invisible. We eat, talk, walk and sleep stories. They are our truths and sins, our accolades and miseries; and when put together they complete the jigsaw of life.

And while stories are as significant as life itself, each one of us has a part to play in unfolding our side of the narrative. Putting in all that you have can give life to a depressing ode, a sweeter tone to a brutal truth and a happy ending to an overwhelming tragedy. The more you live your part of the story, the easier it becomes for you to relate your idiosyncrasy to others.

Each one of us is equipped with the inherent art of storytelling. But only a few have a heart to live through them, others afraid to end up taking a path not traveled before.

The beauty of life lies in disparity; in intent, action, and outcome.

 Embracing your parable regardless of it’s plot, oblivious to the destination, is affirming your own actuality. With a real you armored in your unique perspective, there is no stopping you from conquering utopia of bliss.

Only Tell What You Have Lived Through

Life is pretty much like the dots on a drawing that await to be connected. With a few small marks blotched on a blank sheet, there is nothing definite how the picture would manifest. If you move cautiously while connecting the dots, the diagram starts taking a well-defined form. If you choose to ponder, starting over and over again, the end-product becomes unpredictable — sometimes a complete mess and sometimes a masterpiece.

Same is the case with the stories that we construct. Despite having a check on our emotions and decisions, there is a certain degree of uncertainty in life. And even if the circumstances are by-products of our internal and external processes, they can come out of the blue. Just the like the unexpected twist of hand can make your picture go awry and dissimilar, certain events can turn a captivating story-line into a lifeless reminiscence.

However, as long as you don’t succumb to the brutality of opinions, whatever you live through is a story of success.

With enough dare and a desire to transverse all realms of you, the “messes” can turn out to be your best-selling works. A story that you weave and endure can lay the groundwork for unshakeable foundations on which many can build their empire.

And You Won’t Need To Sell Again

Love and experience can sometimes cost a fortune even when they don’t come with a price tag. While your river of wisdom is your only asset, attaching a price for the parched can cause the water to overflow with frantic waves bashing the empty sands without any distinct purpose. 

Offering satiation to those who yearn without a condition can leave them gratified, and ready to reciprocate at all times.

 Your yearning for gains, material or immaterial, is something natural and will be thrown back to you in abundance, only if you are ready to offer it with honesty. Without adding any per-requisites to the process of giving, you are opening doors to abounding returns.

And while stories are everywhere, they can transfer years of wisdom seamlessly to those who seek, giving you the chance to transcend the limitations of the mind.

There is nothing as meaningful as telling your story, as long as it is guileless act of sharing.