We’re smack dab in the middle of winter, but don’t get it twisted. Flowers will start blooming before we know it, and you know what that means, right? That’s right, spring cleaning time! So, rather than re-hash the same old ‘advice’ about spring cleaning, I thought it would be cool to share this instead. Ten things no one wants to find when re-arranging things for the year ahead.
1.Cheating Evidence – If you live with your significant other, you are obviously a conscientious person who would never snoop through your partner’s phone or email, right?So, it therefore goes without saying that you fully trust your partner and have no need to be suspicious.
But what if you’re in the midst of spring cleaning and find a pair of your partner’s crumpled jeans under the hamper with a strange phone number in the pocket? Hopefully, you never experience the shock of such a betrayal, let alone while you’re sweaty and grumpy from your spring cleaning tasks.
2.Your Birthday Present – Not everyone’s partner is a cheater. Maybe you have a loving partner who thinks the world of you and has gone out of their way to purchase a truly amazing birthday present just for you.
Well, if you should stumble across said gift during spring cleaning then you will have to do a good job of acting surprised when your birthday comes. So, yeah… This is one instance where you hope your partner is good at covering his or her tracks.
3.Pet Poop– You may think your dog or cat is just the perfect little angel, but come spring cleaning you may end up stumbling upon some very real evidence to the contrary. Maybe your cat has found a nice hidden place far from their litter to pee, or your dog has managed to do some undetected business behind a chair in the office.
Either way, no one is ever pleased to find out that their cherished pet may not be the saint they had imagined, and spring cleaning has a way of uncovering your pet’s deepest secrets.
4.Past Due Bills – You may be conscientious about paying your bills on time and keeping that credit score in tip top shape, but nobody’s perfect, and lurking in a forgotten drawer or fallen behind a desk may be a nightmare for any diligent due date payer: a forgotten bill.
Although the chances of this happening get slimmer by the day, thanks to online/mobile bill pay, many of us still have a bill or two that comes in the form of good ole fashioned snail mail, so let’s hope spring cleaning doesn’t turn up the unpaid vet bill from three months ago.
5.The Replaced Item – Did you lose your driver’s license earlier in the year? You know, the one that showed the ‘good side’ of your face—cause, come on we all have one—only to replace it with a much worse ID?So,needless to say, that moment where your hand brushes across the original license, in between your couch cushions, along with what feels like year-old bread crust will be bittersweet.
6.The Purposely Lost Item – Maybe you received a gift from your partner that, while their heart was in the right place, just didn’t sit well with you. Maybe you even purposely lost it, sticking it behind the bed or letting it fall behind the dresser. Now imagine the relief your partner will express when they find it during spring cleaning and the false relief you will have to show when the item is discovered.
7. Too Much Grime – Spring cleaning is supposed to be a time to hit those crevices around your house that you may gloss over on your regular cleaning rounds, those high shelves and hard-to-get-to places that nobody can see. It isn’t a time to perform your only cleaning that year, so if you’re finding too much dirt, dust, and grime during the spring cleaning then this is indicative that your housekeeping may need to be stepped up.
8. Reminders of Your Ex – Did you recently go through a particularly tough breakup? Or maybe you’ve been over the breakup for a while, but then you’re in the midst of a spring cleaning session and come across an item left behind by said ex that brings that emotion right back to life. Spring cleaning has a way of bringing back bad memories, but in this case, it is bringing back a good memory that you might not want to confront.
9.Dead Pests – No matter how well you decorate your apartment, match your colors, or outfit the space with cool furniture and art, you still might have some tiny (or not so tiny) unwanted guests that you might not know about.
These are the types of guests who throw parties for themselves at night when you’re sleeping, only to file out by morning. The only way they get caught is if they leave evidence behind, i.e. if they die or leave droppings. But as pest pros so aptly caution us if we’re not careful this is the time of the year where we’re likely to encounter unwanted guests making themselves at home.
10.That Thing You’ve Been Putting Off – Is there some paperwork that you just don’t feel like doing? Maybe you’ve allowed that paperwork to be covered by other items, out of site and out of mind so you don’t have to deal with it. But there it is during your spring cleaning session, staring back at you as you de-clutter a table. It looks like you’re just going to have to get it over with. But then again, there’s always next spring, right?