Inspired by Paul’s own reflecting, here are three questions to consider:

1. Paul mentioned that he’s working from home, just as he was prior to quarantining, only he has a new coworker: his wife. To his surprise and appreciation, he’s realized how having another person in the house actually gets him more charged up about working and benefits him throughout his day. Which interactions energize you most in life? Are you talking to someone specific and are you talking about something in particular? In thanks to this interaction, what feelings about yourself and your life are you having that are energizing you? 

2. Paul talks about the social pressures that we easily escape into that actually prevent us from enjoying the simpler pleasures that are readily available to us. What’s something you hold yourself back from enjoying? What’s it costing you to not be enjoying yourself in this way? This week, what’s one simple pleasure that you can prioritize partaking in?

3. In the evenings, Paul says he wants to refrain from watching tv, and begin reading and talking to his wife instead. What do you want to try doing less of and start doing in place of that? How might your life, your relationships, and your feelings about yourself improve if you were to let go of old habits and start creating new rituals?

Now, it’s your turn to reflect.